Bite marks

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Yandere Tricky x reader
Requested by alicandylover
I hope you enjoy!
Mental illness

It was horrible. Every day I get bite marks from him. Each day he comes back and bites my body. It's so fucking painful. Once he bit my side and it was gushing blood for almost the whole day. Almost died from blood loss. But, he wouldn't let me end my suffering. I hate his switch ups. He will either be mad, sad, happy it gets confusing. He won't let me die or leave it's sickening.

Today, he was back, from all the killing. He stunk, all of the dry blood. He smelled of rotten flesh, blood, and sometimes his jaw won't be there, just dripping blood on the floor. He asked me help him and whenever I said no he hit me. Then, he would hug me and say sweet nothings in my ear. IT SUCKED! ABUSE ALL DAY THEN, HE ACTS LIKE NOTHING HAD HAPPEN AND ITS ALL SUNSHINE ABD RAINBOWS!

"(Y/N)!" Jumping at the sudden voice you looked over to Tricky. He jumps up onto you giving you a big hug.

"Yes yes. You to.." Looking away slightly patting his back.

"YOU KNOW WHAT TIME IT IS!" He opened his large mouth. Panic struck in.

"NO PLEASE! No... more please..." Tears swelling up and falling out of your (e/c) eyes. Tricky tilted his head for a moment.

"WHY!" He questioned you, "It hurts..." Looking away slightly.

"B-but I thought you LIKED IT! I'M SHOWING MY LOVE AND THIS IS WHAT I GET!" He started to 'look' at you with anger. he raised his first and hit your face, giving you a big bruise on your left eye. The he opened his big mouth and bit into it.

"AHHH!" Screaming in pain. Sobbing in pain. Tricky looked at you. His facial expression softened.

"I-I-I'm sorry." He started to hug me.

"Let's get you patched up." He picked you up and walked to the bathroom. Kicking slightly at the short man. He was to strong. Almost passing out from blood loss and thrashing around in his arms.

Getting laid down on the old couch. Tricky then laid next to me  and cuddled next to me for the whole day. I just... Want to die.

I hope you enjoyed! It was short I'm very sorry.

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