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A/n: Shorty Jisoo and Jennie. I wasn't really proud of this one but I did my best to make it feel real.



You smiled as you watched your girlfriend on your screen. You were watching her on a survival show and you missed her so much since months passed from your last contact. The company had her away for a while and you were angry, you haven't gotten any source of contact with her.

You were definitely home sick. You needed her touch, her scent, her warmth. You wanted to be in her arms and luckily, you were going to meet her tomorrow.

Tomorrow, you're finally going to be in your girlfriend's grasp and you couldn't help but jump up and down, delighted. You even got her chocolates and a huge stuffed bear for her arrival.

Tonight, you couldn't even sleep. Excitement got the best of you and you couldn't wait to see your girlfriend's face in person.

She would turn your bad day upside down and you needed to return the favor with a wallet full of gifts. Your bank account definitely corrupted after the amount of times you swiped your card for a stuffed animal.

Every thought of her swarmed your stomach with butterflies. Her smile made your heart beat rapidly and her winks always killed you. Every outfit she wore, make-up or no make-up, always made you squirm in nervousness.

In conclusion, she always knew how to make your day better whether it was good or bad.

Before you knew it, you were already standing at your meeting place: a mall. The mall was filled with people shopping and playing with the small coin rides. But your focus was on something else.

Your hands were shaking and you glanced around the mall to spot your one and only. Jennie was suppose to be here in a bit and you were waiting for her with your gifts in hand.

After a few minutes, you finally spot your girlfriend walking onto a small stage. You made a run for it, calling her name with the widest smile but people only stopped you.

"Jennie! Jennie I'm over here!" You yelled causing her to spare a look at you.

She didn't give you a look of adoration like she always did and it made you confused. Jennie's eyes gave more of a fearful look, like she was scared of you.

You tried your best to push through the men that blocked you, but it was no use. They kept pushing you away and you didn't understand. You were Jennie's girlfriend and your relationship was public, they should know who they were dealing with.

"Jennie! Tell them I'm with you!" You basically pleaded.

You wanted your girlfriend's touch but the men was preventing that. You craved for her warmth and grasp.

Jennie only stared at you fearfully as they dragged you away and out the mall. She grew curious from you. She didn't want a stranger's hands on her. Thinking you were some creep, she sweeps her brown locks away from her face with a sigh.

Jennie was only an idol. Creating entertainment for young audiences and elders, but keeping herself safe was always top priority. Knowing fans like you existed, frightened her and made her dreamful job a bit more difficult to enjoy. Never in her life did she date a fan, especially people like you.

Some of her fans will do anything to get a glimpse of her, even if they'd kill for it.

Obsession. You had an obsession with her. You fantasized about her. You were crazy for her. Fact is, she was never your girlfriend to begin with. From the day you saw her to now, you were deeply in love with her -awfully hooked.

Everything she did -eating, yawning, talking- made you crave more for her warmth. You were exceedingly in love with her to where you'd buy and keep anything she'd lay her hands on -and you mean anything.

A hand landed on her shoulder causing her to flinch.

"Relax." Jisoo comforts.

"You know how fans are."

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