Part 1

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Some people say that love is destiny, that everyone is meant for another person and you'll forever be internally in love with them.

Others believe that love is by chance, that it's a person you run into or meet through a friend.

I thought I've met both. Destiny and chance. One was an ass and the other moved away, across the world and broke my heart.

Then I focused on myself. Quit the job I hated and worked for myself. My life I can do what I fuck I wanted. Of course yeah I regretted it when starting out, being an artist without a job does raise a few flags until I got buyers. Enough that now I can I've in a house not an apartment with rent.

Everyone was proud of me but most importantly I was proud of myself. Which hasn't been the case for such a long time. But now here I am, moving day. My life packed up in just a truck and car of boxes. The apartment looked so much more spacious without anything in it. All the paint i'd spilt everywhere was freshly cleaned, a wall that I had to re-plaster when my brother got a little too drunk and kicked the wall. It actually looks better than what I first came to.

"Hey, Ace everythings packed up, you ready to go?" Speaking of my brother there he was, left ear piercing and all. I smiled nodding my head while grabbing my bag.

"Hey, you remember when I had to re-plaster my wall because you got drunk?" He chuckled patting my back while shutting the door behind me.

"Yeah no, I was heavily intoxicated as you well know. If you don't forget we were celebrating Dave proposing to me." I rolled my eyes at him remembering the night vividly. We made it to the side road where the car was running and waiting for us.

"At the time I didn't know because you were drunk even before getting to my place. I was up all night babysitting your ass." The car door swung open. Revealing Dave. My brother in law, Franswas husband.

"Do you kiss your mother with that mouth (y/n)?" Dave said giving me a side hug.

"Every time I see her which is never. now I'll be taking my car and you two try to keep your hands off each other." The pair smirked and I rolled my eyes with a smile on my face.

"Oh, we can't promise that Ace," Franswa said kissing his husband dramatically.

"Stop it with your romance, I'm gonna go now." Driving with our two cars and the truck we made it to the new place. It had a cute front yard which you don't see often so close to the city. Which I knew I'd be replanting. Parking out front the movers got to work. I'd sent them the layout before we got here and while they took care of the furniture me and the boys got to work on putting everything in the kitchen.

"Now that you have your own place and a more than likely less shitty neighbour we can blast some music," Dave said while eating an apple while putting the cutlery away.

"I guess, let me just set up the stereo." Breathing this out I went to the living room to connect the stereo to the wall.

"But what about that agreement you had to sign?" Franswa said and I did remember the final meeting I had with the real estate agent.

"I know you must have questions but there's only so much I can say." There was an agreement in front of me. No photography or invading personal space. The strange thing was there wasn't a name. I wasn't even sure if they lived next to me or five houses down.

"What's the reason for the agreement?" She gave me a tight-lipped smile.

"All I can say is one of the last owners he stepped over the line for personal space. Just be a normal neighbour and everything will be fine."

"A normal neighbour? How will you manage that?" Franswa said chuckling to himself as I managed to connect the speakers together.

"I think I'll be fine. Just don't stick around too much you two." Dave laughed squeezing Franswas shoulders. Music started playing and the next few hours was a mix of unboxing and putting together the house. The moving guys just left leaving the boys and myself to finish decorating.

"If I wasn't such an amazing tailor I would totally be an interior designer." Franswa sighed looking at my now organised closet and bathroom. Which I did say the pair could leave over an hour ago and yet here we are basically finished and ordering dinner.

"I'm sorry Dave I know you were meant to be in the office today." He shook his head pouring wine for the three of us.

"Na my assistant had everything handled. Anything for my sister in law." Dave kissed my forehead when Franswa came back with pizza.

"Let's celebrate. To Ace to the most talented amazing person I know. Hence the nickname. Cheers." clinking our glasses together we stayed up late laughing and talking the night away.

Luckily for me, I woke up the next day without much of a hangover ready to redo the backyard and front yard to finish the redecoration. Spending the morning in the plant nursery I came back in time to pull out and replant. Opening up a window to let the music from in the house rang through to the front.

Humming along while putting in the new soil and digging the new holes I breathed heavily when my phone rang. Quickly tapping my phone and putting it on my ear I tilted my head of the side.

"Hey Dave, you miss me already?" He chuckled into the phone, picking out the next pot plant, I heard a door open and shut but kept to myself.

"I think I left my work phone at your place." Smiling to myself I glanced at my watch letting out a giggle. "What's making you giggle so much."

"It's just funny to me that it's past lunchtime and you just remembered your work phone. I've got it, if you weren't my brother in law." changing the phone to speaker I started on the next flower.

"Yeah I know, Franswa would have been lost in Rome. I'll stop by your place." out of the corner of my eye I saw someone walk past. I knew the face but I didn't know where. There was a smile that I knew.

"Of course goldfish, see you soon."

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