Part 29 /Smut/

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It was out last night at the cabin and for part of the day, I was painting the scenery from the large back windows while Tom was doing some training exercises. I would have joined but was tired from the canoeing the day before. Tom has built himself like a professional sports player. My phone started buzzing and I only answered because it was Franswa.

"(y/n)! How's your romantic getaway?" cleaning the brush I was using I let out a long breath.

"It is very romantic. Tom's out right now training and I'm painting." There was a gasp on the other end of the call.

"Wait you're not together? That's not very romantic." Sighing I rolled my eyes knowing he would be debating on whether he should set something up to spice up the cabin.

"Tom has to train for work and I couldn't join because I was exhausted from canoeing yesterday. He's built like a god." Franswa laughed and I knew he couldn't wipe a smile off his face.

"Well, he does play a god. Comes with the territory." Standing up from my painting chair I went outside to the small deck the cabin had.

"He asked me to move in with him." Saying this it went silent for a moment.

"Bitch what? The Tom Hiddleston asked you after six months of dating to move in with him?" Franswa was freaking out, mostly being dramatic about it to rile me up.

"Yeah, he asked me last night." Leaning on the fence my hand went up to fiddle with the necklace Tom gave me.

"Oh my God I might throw up, please tell me you said yes because if not I'll find a way to track you down and hit the back of your head." Giggling I rolled my eyes at Franswa.

"Yes, I said I would. We're going to talk about it more when we get back. He's in the middle of filming something so it'll be a while off." And there isn't enough space at either of our houses now to move in. Even though Tom is producing the series he said there should be time once all the episodes have been filmed. I heard the back door open and glanced behind me seeing Tom. "Toms back, we can catch up sometime next week."

"Cya Ace." Ending the call in time for Tom to spin me around for a kiss it was a little shocking for a moment.

"Mmm who was on the phone love?" He asked before bringing our lips back together.

"France, he was checking on me." I took in his worn-out appearance from the long run he went on. Sweat on his chest and his shirt was tossed onto his shoulder. It made me bite my lip. "You look exhausted," I said after a moment and Tom chuckled gently holding my chin to tilt it up.

"I am. Saw your painting. It's beautiful." Smiling I brought our lips together for a short kiss.

"Glad you think so. I painted it for you. It's our sixth month anniversary tomorrow and I thought it was a perfect way to remember." Tom was taken back for a moment shocked by what I said.

"Really? It's perfect, are you sure?" Nodding he kissed me once more before walking back inside to see the painting again. "I love it. It'll go up in my office until we get our place together." He glanced in my direction when mentioning the house we were getting. "For now I need to shower." The oven started beeping meaning dinner was almost ready.

"I'll just serve up dinner." I breathed out and Tom kissed my forehead leaving to freshen up. It was only a quick shower since it only took the time of me plating up and a quick clean of the kitchen before he was back looking sexy as ever.

"Looks, delicious love." Tom kissed my cheek sitting down to eat with me.


My body hit the mattress with Tom and I laughing together and lips in a sloppy kiss. All my clothes were tossed off by the bedroom door and we were working on getting off Toms trousers.

"You are so beautiful." Tom husked into the skin of my shoulder. "Get up, lean against the window baby girl." He helped me up kissing me quickly before letting me walk over to the window. Pressing both hands into the window there was a moment of silence before Tom's hand went around the curve of my ass.

"So you like this idea daddy?" Tom groaned leaning over to kiss along my shoulder.

"It's a great idea, and I get to see you pressed against this window." His hands spread my ass open and with a tap on my inner foot, I spread my legs wider. "Put your chest on the glass." His husked voice had me dripping, leaning over my chest hit the cold glass making me shiver. My nipples hardened instantly and goosebumps ran over my flesh. As my breath fogged the glass while I waited for Tom to do something his lips trailed down my spine.

"Please do something daddy." He darkly chuckled into my lower spine pressing his lips once more to my skin.

"Patience baby girl, it'll get you far and more pleasure." Tom brought his hands up my thighs getting a good look at the drenched folds between my legs. "And you are soaked." Gasping with shaky legs a his tongue swiped up my cunt, Tom groaned loving the taste he gripped my thigh pressing me harsher into the glass.

"Oh my God Daddy." Wiggling my ass a little Tom slapped my ass to stop me from moving.

"Stay still love." Biting my love when he disappeared for a moment I jolted when he pressed something onto my ass. "Relax." Tom breathed pushing the plug inside of me. Moaning arching to stick my ass up for tom he sunk the plug all the way in. Panting heavily at the fullness I knew what was coming next and couldn't help but be excited for it. "You're doing well baby girl. Now get ready." His cock was pressed onto my soaked folds and when he pushed in we both groaned. Tom went from keeping still for a moment to a harsh thrust in and out. My body got hot when my pulse picked up.

"I'm so full daddy, I love it." Moaning this out Tom growled slamming his hips into mine, both my legs started to shake Tom looped an arm around my waist stopping me from toppling onto the floor but Tom had to slow down.

"Hold yourself up baby girl or you'll be punished." whimpering I pressing my hands onto the window to try and get some extra grip. "Is. that. clear." Tom husked out slamming into my hips with each word.

"Yes, daddy." He went back up to holding my hips thrusting at the original harsh thrusts.

"Good girl, now cum for me." Tom snuck a hand under and rubbed my clit. Moaning loudly as my body trembled I came against Tom with a silent scream Tom suddenly pulled out. My legs wobbled and I hit the floor and Tom turned my head, not harsh enough to hurt me but firmly. "Open your mouth wide." Listening quickly his cock hit the back of my throat. Moaning as he forced me to choke Tom groaned hips going faster. "Fuck baby girl I'm about to finish." Four more sharp thrusts and he came down my mouth. Tom took hold of my chin. "Swallow." Gulping loudly for Tom to hear he kissed me right after.

"That was so good. Best vacation ever." Tom chuckled kissing me once more.

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