Part 8

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Tom stayed the night I had the best sleep I've had in a long time but when my alarm went off on my phone. Groaning I rolled off Tom who I was pressed against he also groaned awake as I sat up.

"Sorry I set an alarm to get working early." I leant over the side of the bed finding my phone on the floor and switched off the alarm.

"It's alright love." He breathed out and I fell back down on the mattress just wanting to sleep more. "I can make tea for both of us." His suggestion made me smile and wrap my naked body around him once more.

"Mmm tempting but do you know where anything is in the kitchen." Tom chuckled threading a hand through his hair and pulling me up against him. "I just notice that you're growing out your hair." Biting my lip I played with a few strands and Tom kissed my wrist.

"It's for the Loki series, not a fan of the long hair?" Smiling up at him I shook my head.

"If you wore a man bun I would stop you in the street and kiss you." Tom let out a hearty laugh grinning down at me.

"I'll keep that in mind, but would you be open to a kiss now?" Nodding Tom took hold of my chin kissing me. Smiling against his lips Tom pulled away. "Now I'll make the tea, you don't move."

"Ok." I breathed out and Tom stood searching for some pants for a moment. It made me bite my tongue between my teeth in a cheeky smile. "Ooo la la." I giggled as he put back on his boxers. Giving me a playful smirk I blew a kiss at tom before he left the room. Feeling the need to use the bathroom I stood grabbing Toms shirt and when sliding it on I didn't bother with buttoning up and went to the bathroom.

When Tom came back I was reading and put it down so he could hand over the tea.

"You look nice in my shirt," he spoke leaning over to kiss me again before settling back down on the bed. After talking about what we both had planned for the day, tom had an interview and was going for a run and I was mostly going to be painting and shopping for groceries we decided to see each other tomorrow. Since I was a little behind on my first painting. Tom reluctantly left after many kisses and once I knew he was gone I did a happy dance to myself in the living room. Before starting my painting I did some exercise and ate breakfast while I got started. One of the main reasons this painting is taking so long is the size. I knew this would take time so I started this one first. By the time I finished the figure it was just past 11.

Having a quick shower I changed and got my keys and mask heading out for the door. My phone went off and I answered shutting the food behind me.

"(y/n) I've got nothing to do today until my samples come in. I want to stalk your sexy man!" Franswa shouted and I rolled my eyes chuckling.

"No Franswa, you can snoop on someone else. If you really want to know something I can give you one question." tossing my mask to the side I grabbed my sunglasses in the back seat I could basically hear Franswa thinking. "Just give me a second I'm gonna start the car." sliding the phone to the passenger seat I went to walk around when seeing a panting Tom and Bobby coming back from a jog. Smiling at him Bobby came running over cooing at Bobby I stood up straight.

"You heading off?" Tom said and I nodded.

"Yeah did you need anything?" Tom smiled leaning in closer after doing a once over if anyone was around.

"Just for you to come back." gulping lightly his hand went lower and a quick peck on my lips.

"I thought we were meeting up tomorrow," I whispered and Tom chuckled.

"Right you are, see you tomorrow my darling." Smiling and biting my lip I went around to the driver's seat.

"Dear God there you are! I have a question. What does he do for a living?" Shit, what do I say? Even if this wasn't THE Tom Franswa will make assumptions the second I mention he's an actor.

"Uh, he's an acting teacher." Franswa ooed into the phone while I got out of the parking spot.

"A fan of the drama and theatre. I'm sure you love that." Giggling I got on the main road. "Any new developments since you two became a thing?" I decided not to tell him. Where siblings shouldn't jump the gun on him. But it's not like I have anyone else to confide in with personal stuff. All my uni friends are more fun get together rather than a serious conversation.

"Not really. Just hanging out together. Honestly don't know if I could get through this quarantine without him."


After a long day of shopping and more painting, I settled down on the couch with a blanket and tea. Reading a book I didn't notice that time was flying past and only when letting out a yawn did I notice. Jumping up to my feet I went straight upstairs. Noticing that the painting room lamp was still on I went in turning it off. Then at that moment, I saw Tom walk into his bedroom with only a towel. God, he's so sexy. It made me want to head right over there now but we agreed on tomorrow. Turning back around I went straight to bed.

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