Part 2

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It had been bugging me. That face. I knew that face, if only I got an actual look at him then I'd know.

"Earth to (y/n)." turning around from looking out from the front window to Dave that was sipping his tea. I put my cup down.

"My neighbour I think I know who he is, but I can't put my finger on it." Dave chuckled standing up and going over to stand next to me we looked out at the small front yard.

"And knowing you, you'll be thinking about this until you get some answers." Sighing I nodded looking back out, where had I seen that face? "Look maybe he's the guy with the agreement you had to sign. Someone famous, try not to be a nosy neighbour. Franswa and I love you but you can be... Intense when stuck on something." I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Intense?" I scoffed shaking me head.

"Maybe try some yoga." And my arms crossed. Dave sighed.

"Yoga do you know me at all?" Dave let out a laugh shaking his head.

"I know you're a Pilates girl, you see this is why I like men. We're straightforward." He nudged my side making me smile. "Now it's time I go off." He breathed, cup going into the sink. I walked with him to the door.

"Got phone one and phone two." he held out both shaking them and walking out the door. "Say hello to your loving husband for me." calling this out Dave waved me off. I went back inside to clean up and get ready to make dinner.


It was late that night when I decided to go outside and look up at the stars. Not many could be seen with all the lights but it was beautiful. Sitting on the wooden veranda I leant my head onto the post beside me and sang a soft tune to myself.

I know you're still just a dream
Your eyes might be green
Or the bluest that I've ever seen
Anyway, you'll be blessed
And you, you'll be blessed
You'll have the best, I promise you that
I'll pick a star from the sky
Pull your name from a hat
I promise you that, promise you that, promise you that
You'll be blessed

Humming to myself my toes began to get cold and the dishwasher started to beep, this took me out of my daze. So I left the cold London air and back to my warm house.

I'd spent the past week painting for a client who wanted a vibrant piece to spice up her living room. Which hadn't left me enough time to finish the backyard, until now.

With the plant's i'd yet to use I was prepping the garden to replant and when removing all the long weeds from the fence I managed to find something. A door or well gate, which was odd since it hadn't been touched for years. Peeling off all the weeds and cutting off the root I huffed managing to pull the root out. It was a little stiff but I moved everything aside and opened the door. Gasping lightly to myself seeing it was the neighbour's yard. Why the hell is this here? I mean it looks cool but... A dog barked and I jolted as a brown dog came running over to me.

"Shit." I was shocked when the dog came over wagging its tail before sprinting into my yard. "Oh my God. Hey boy, go back into your yard before I look like a dognapper!" I whisper shouted when hearing a back door open. The dog barked again.

"Bobby?" That voice. Wait no focus. "Uh hello." Christ on a cracker.

"I'm sorry I was taking the weeds off my fence when seeing a door and..." I paused when seeing the man in front of me. Tom Hiddleston. I would have gaped for longer if I didn't have his dog running around my backyard. "I'm not a dognapper I promise." He let out a laugh showing a large smile that could melt my heart, it might already have.

"Don't worry I don't think you're such a thing. Come here, Bobby." Tom clapped his hands and the dog went running. "I've always wondered about this door but could never get it open." He came over looking at it.

"It was covered in weeds and vines. I'm redecorating. Sorry for opening it, I'm curious by nature." He smiled nodding his head.

"I am the same although I don't imagine this would have led anywhere." Biting my lip I sucked in a breath.

"We all hope for a secret garden." He was wearing a suit, God it looked good on him.

"It is true. So you moved in last week?" Tom asked politely and I took off the gardening gloves.

"Yes, and I'm sorry if I was too loud. My brother and his husband can be quite rowdy." he chuckled once more sending a shiver down my spine. Does he do this to everyone he meets?

"You were fine. Welcome to the neighbourhood. I'm Tom by the way." His hand extended to shake my own and as our hands touched I sucked in a breath as a tingling sensation ran through my body.

"And I'm (y/n). Thanks for the welcome. If you want I can arrange someone to fix the gate."

"No." He quickly said as our hands parted. "I rather like the gate, that is if you feel comfortable. It's always been a mystery as to why it's here." It was adorable he thought that. "I myself am curious by nature." we shared a smile just before his watch went off. "Sorry for the interruption to your gardening. I have a meeting. It was lovely to meet you (y/n)."

"Same to you Tom." when shutting the gate my heart almost popped. I'm neighbours with Tom Hiddleston!? There's a gate between our houses! I'm going insane and need a glass of water before I faint.

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