Part 4

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People were freaking out, quarantine was apparently unnecessary. That and it was disrupting peoples normal lives. While I at the moment am trying to calm myself after having three days at home without talking to anyone.

Currently painting I opened the window as it got stuffy, kicking on a playlist I sang along happily to myself as I painted. Smiling as the blue paint covered the canvas I sang louder. I stopped when seeing Tom in what I think was his bedroom. He wasn't wearing a shirt and he smiled at me giving a small wave. Going over to his window it opened and I opened mine more.

"You have a beautiful voice." He smiled, biting my lip I smiled down to the ground for a moment.

"And you look nice without a shirt on." Tom let out a hearty laugh smiling at me. "But I think you already knew that." Blushing as he smiled at me I smiled softly. He grabbed a shirt from beyond the window and started buttoning it up.

"So what are you working on?" he said and I lifted the canvas.

"Quarantine painting. Thought it would calm me down a little." placing it back down he leant forward, elbows on the rail.

"And is it?" I shook my head.

"Well I haven't been alone in a long time and now I'm alone in a new house. It just doesn't feel like home yet." I held back a deep breath realising I was talking to an almost stranger.

"Did you want to open the gate and have a dinner between our houses? I could order Chinese or maybe pizza." I smiled once more.

"Chinese sounds great."

Tom and I set up two tables between the gate of our houses. Bobby was running between our yards and only once Tom and I sat down did Bobby stop.

"I didn't say it earlier but that painting was beautiful although a little depressing." I let out a soft laugh eating some spring rolls.

"Thank you, it's not often that I've got time to paint for myself anymore but I've got all the time in the world now." sucking in a breath I sipped the wine that I supplied for tonight. Thought it was only fair. "enough about me, you've mentioned a lot of meetings what are they for?" He cleared his throat and stopped eating for a moment.

"Just about a project I've been working on and how to move forward since we can't meet face to face. It seems I'm free until quarantine is over, apart from the odd meeting." I smiled at him chewing my food. He really doesn't want to say, does he? Tom court onto my smile and chuckled himself. "What is it? Have I got something on my face?"

"No tom. Look I get it if you don't want to share that you're an actor in some quite big movies but you're really dodging the questions." His smile didn't falter.

"So you know." He breathed out and I nodded.

"From the moment I saw you. I thought you might have already guessed I knew but I suppose you get that a lot either way." His head tilted to the side a little to indicate his confusion.

"Why would people be star stuck if they didn't know I was famous?" I knew he was teasing, how could someone so attractive not know.

"Well, you know...." I blushed hiding behind my glass and Tom leant forward grinning mischievously.

"Please enlighten me." He's going to make me say it. It'll turn me into a tomato. Cinderella gone wrong. But my phone rang. It was Dave.

"Saved by my brother in law, I'll be back in a second." I stood taking a spring roll with me and answered. "Hey."

"The sun WiLl come OuT TOMORROW!!!!" Dave and Franswa sang. It's drinking night for them. Sighing from the loud singing I turned down the phone

"Dave you called me for something or just do break my eardrums?" chewing the last mouthful my hand went to my hip.

"It's oNly a DaY AWaY!!!" I hung up spinning my heel around to see Tom chuckling.

"They're just as good as singing as you." I frowned at him as Tom laughed more. "Now what were we talking about?"

"I was about to say how attractive you were and then you were going to be modest and deny it." Tom stopped laughing but a small smile stayed on his face.

"Well, one could say the same thing about you darling." I gulped lightly blushing and put down my phone.

"Well, I also deny that."

"No matter how much you deny it you're a beautiful woman (y/n)." There was a low grumble in the distance. A storm.

"I think mother nature disagrees." Breathing this out Tom chuckled while we both stood packing up the dinner.

"Let me help you." Tom gestured to the back door and I nodded turning around and letting him take a few things with him back into my place.

"Just place them on the counter," I spoke while shifting the takeaway containers into the fridge. Tom was looking around.

"You also play the piano?" He said while the wine bottle and glasses went to the kitchen counter.

"Anything creative, you name it I've done it."




"Yep, high school."


"Can't live without muffins."

He went on and on for some reason the storm never got to our houses and Tom kept on trying to name something creative I hadn't done.

"Ok how about writing a novel?" My lips went into a thin line and I left for a bookshelf bringing back a new looking book Tom grabbed it starting wide-eyed at it. "Wow, you've really done everything. Could I read it?" Sitting back down on the high chair I smiled staring at the cover.

"Of course, just bring it back in one piece. It took me a long time to settle for painting but I just love everything." The wine was now gone, so I just rolled the sliver that was left around.

"Must have been hard when finishing school to decide." Tom was still look at the book in his hands before glancing into my eyes.

"No, not really. I struggled a lot In high school, bad grades and not a lot of help."

"I'm sure your parents are proud now." My lips went into a thin line.

"I'm not so sure about that." Tom of course thought he had said something wrong.

"Oh sorry did they pass?"

"No, it's just uh, it's a story for a different time. I'm just tired." Tom nodded his head standing back up.

"How about afternoon tea in a few days. That is if you enjoyed yourself." I giggled breathlessly and nodded my head.

"I had a wonderful time Tom." He smiled stepping closer to my seated position.

"Glad to hear it and we can continue this conversation then. Consider it a date." With that, he kissed my hand leaving me both stunned and blushing. Tom left happily from my house and shut the gate that separates us.

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