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**Paisley's P.O.V**

--Beep-- --Beep-- --Beep--

My alarm clock was going off which meant it was time to get up for school, the place I absolutely dreaded. I decided I would take a shower this morning, so I walked the extra few feet to the bathroom connected to my bedroom. I walked in and turned on the water, making sure it wasn't too hot or too cold. Once it was to the perfect temperature, I slipped off all of my clothes and stepped in.

As the water touched certain spots of my body, it hurt so much. I knew why it hurt so much considering every day consists of the same thing. I look down my arms, legs, and stomach to see the violet colored spots all over my body. I gently touch them, sending a quick jolt of pain throughout my body.

I try to finish my shower as quick as possible, then I get out. Once I'm done, I put my hair up into a messy bun because I don't feel like combing through it. I then walk into my bedroom with a towel wrapped around my body. Once I get in there, I pick out my outfit for the day. I decide on a maroon hoodie, and some black sweatpants. At least these can cover some of the bruises and cuts.

Once I'm changed, I go look in my mirror. My face has a few bruises and scratches. I get out my makeup bag, and I apply foundation to anything that would stand out. I coat the spots until you can barely tell anything is there. Once I'm done, I grab all of my things and head outside. I then start my short walk to school.

Once I get there, I head to my locker. I can feel eyes on me, but I choose to ignore it. Once I'm at my locker, I grab a few of my books. As soon as I close my locker, I'm slammed up against it. Great, just a typical day. I knew who it was instantly.

"Look who we have here," Mike said pressing my shoulders tight against the wall of lockers.

"Please leave me alone," I begged.

"Just shut up bitch," he yelled slapping my face.

"I'm sorry," a tear escaped my eye from the stinging on my cheek.

People were gathering around, staring. This is the reason I hate school, the reason I never want to wake up.

"Why do you even stay here, you're so worthless!" Drew said punching my stomach.

"No one wants you here, why don't you just cut deeper!" Laine said before following the same actions as Drew.

It hurt so bad, but I knew it would be best just to stay quiet. There was no point in speaking at all because it would just be worse. I ended up doubled over in pain after the second punch to my stomach. I fell to the ground, giving the guys many opportunites.

Everyone was watching, laughing. I felt completely worthless at this point, and there was nothing I could do. I felt all of the punches and kicks to my body. I look around, and my eyes meet with bright blue ones. The boy's name was Hayes Grier. He watched every time, but he never did anything. The reason was because he was friends with the people who harass me.

I quickly pulled away from the stare, looking down. Suddenly, I started to loose my hearing, and then things started to get cloudy. Soon, everything was black.

Both of us were laughing, spending time together. We decided to have a little fun, so we snuck outside. We were old enough to go out by ourselves, so we did. We were talking about random things, when both of us came up with an idea.

"To the park we go," the bright blue eyed boy took my hand, and we started running there.

Once we arrived, we found the perfect spot. Both of us were wearing old clothes, so neither of us cared about getting dirty. I grabbed a handful of mud, and then I tossed it at Hayes. He wasn't paying attention at the time, and it hit him directly in the face.

Barely Slipping By (Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now