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**Paisley's P.O.V**

It's been a few days since I last hung out with Hayes. It's kinda hard hanging out with him again considering everything that happened. He tries to talk or hang out all the time as if nothing happened, but it's hard to pretend like nothing ever did. I've been ignoring him because there's one problem that I don't really want to confront. Do I still have feelings for the boy who broke me?

Hayes keeps texting me, and I don't answer. He's even tried coming over a few times, but my parents tell him I'm "not home". It's hard separating myself from him, but I need to figure out what I want. Of course I still like him as a friend, but I'm not sure I will ever be able to trust him like I used to.

It was now Monday morning which meant it was time for hell, also known as school. I get up and get dressed. I decide on some black skinny jeans, maroon cardigan, white tank top, and some black combat boots. I straighten my hair, and I apply some makeup. Once I'm finished, I start my way towards school.

I walk into the building, and I can feel eyes on me. I stop at my locker, and I grab my books for my first few classes. I try to hurry before anyone can say a word to me. Before I get a chance to leave my locker, I feel someone's hand on my shoulder. I flinch knowing that it could mean another beating. Soon, I feel a warm breath on my neck and someone whispers in my ear.

"Why have you been ignoring all of my texts?" Hayes whispers.

I turn around to face him, and I can see the hurt in his eyes. I didn't want to talk to right now. In fact, I didn't even want to see him.

"I just-" I was soon cut off by lips smashing into mine.

I was stunned by this action, but his lips felt so good against mine. I was completely frozen, I didn't even kiss him back. He pulled away and leaned his forehead against mine, looking in my eyes. I stared back into his beautiful blue ones. Before I could even think straight, I pulled his face into mine.

Once again, our lips were connected. As cliché as this sounds, I can feel a spark between us. Maybe he is the one I want to be with, and maybe he wants to be with me too.

Sorry that this is such a short chapter. I know I haven't worked on this book in what seems like forever, but I'm going to try and finish it. The next chapter I post will probably be a semi long one concluding this story. Thank you for understanding.

ayyyitsali (Livie told me a while back that you've been waiting for me to update)

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