What if....

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**Hayes's P.O.V**

When the car drove up beside us, I knew it was someone from school. Then they started to yell things about Paisley, and I knew it hurt her. It made me so mad, and I was so powerless. I don't want anybody to ever hurt her, she doesn't deserve it.

It's thanks to me that she was bullied. It's thanks to me that she can't even stand the thought of going to school. What would happen if we were never friends to begins with? What if we could just wake up one day, and everything was different? We don't really know each other, she had a good life, I never hurt her. My biggest regret.....hurting her.

I woke up, and it was a sunny morning. Once I was finished getting ready, I grabbed all of my things. I then headed out the door on my skateboard. I arrived there to see everyone walking into the building. School, great.

Once I go through the big doors, I'm greeted with people everywhere. I hear a few hi's and hello's directed towards me. I say them back to be polite, but I keep walking. I arrive at my locker, and I pull out the books I will need for first through third hour.

When I get ready to close my locker door, I see a girl pressed up against the locker beside mine. I looked at her, and I knew instantly who it was.

"Hey Hayes," she said while smacking on her gum,

"Hi Bailey," I said disgusted.

"Wanna hang out at my place tonight?" she volunteered.

"I already have plans," I said and walked away.

I continued down the hall, and I walk into my first class. I take a seat, and I got everything ready for class. All of my friends gathered around me, and we shared a couple of laughs.

In walked a beautiful girl. She had blonde hair with brown highlights, and bright blue eyes. She was wearing a light pink lace dress. She was smiling and talking to her friends that followed right behind her.

The girls walked to the back of the class, and they carried on their conversation. I really wonder what they could be talking about. I always wondered what it would be like to get to know her, Paisley. We're neighbors, but we've never really talked. Also let's not forget to mention how I have the biggest crush on her.

Soon, the teacher walked in. Great, school is getting ready to start. Anyways, the teacher proceeded to tell us that we would have a partner to work with. Unfortunately, our teacher was picking our partners. He went down the list of people slowly, and it felt like forever.

Sierra and Matt

Ashley B and Caleb

Sammy and Craig

Kaya and Jack

Aria and Brent

Reina and Dylan

Paisley and Noel

Emily and Hayes

I stopped listening after my name had been called. I didn't want to work with anyone but Paisley. When the teacher told us to get with our partners, I looked around for Emily. She wasn't anywhere to be seen. I went up to the teacher, and I told him that she was present.

Later, Paisley came over too. Noel wasn't here either today. Let the fun begin.

"Is there anyway that Paisley and I can work together?" I suggested.

"Well since neither of your partners are here, I don't see a problem with that." our teacher answered.

"Fine," Paisley huffed.

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