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**Paisley's P.O.V**

I had fallen asleep thinking about past memories. I heard someone knocking on my bedroom door, yet again. I got up, and opened it. There stood one person I never really expected to see, Nash Grier.

"Um...hi Paisley." he brought one arm up to the back of his neck.

"Hi, Nash. Why are you here?" I questioned.

"I was wondering if I could talk to you?" he stated as if it were a question.

"Sure, come in." I stepped away from my door, and I took a seat in my chair. "What do you want to talk about?"

"Well.....Hayes told me what has been happening to you at school." I couldn't read his expression right now, he was wearing almost what you could call a poker face.

"Oh," my head dropped, and I was looking at the floor.

"When did it all start Pai?" he asked with sympathy filled eyes.

"Nash, we really don't need to talk about this. I'm fine." I spoke.

"No, come here." he patted the bed right beside him.

I walked over to him, and I took a seat.

"I'm always gonna be here for you Pai, and I care about you. You are still like a best friend to me. So please tell me." he started to speak again, looking straight at me.

"Okay, but promise you won't tell anyone?" I had to make this promise with him, I don't want anyone knowing.

"I promise," he held out his pinkie finger. We both intertwined them, and I started to tell him what all happened.

"Remember when Hayes joined Magcon?" Nash answered my question by shaking his head yes. "Well it all started after Hayes left. I didn't have any other friends, he was my only one. So that left me with no one, so everyone saw me as an open target. They always hated how Hayes and I were friends. People would always pick on me, and they would say I don't deserve to even be around Hayes, let alone be his friend. I didn't let Hayes know though, he didn't need to worry about that. Anyways, after you guys left, that's when all the bullying started. It started with people just making fun of me, but then it got physical. They would trip me, shove things in my face, slap me, punch me, and kick me. Also around this time, I slowly started to lose Hayes. He told me that he had a girlfriend, a girl that he had met on tour. Eventually, he started talking to me less. It got to the point where we just stopped talking all together. When we stopped talking, that's when everything got worse." Nash had wrapped me up in his arms, and I was crying just thinking about it.

"How did they get worse?" he asked.

"All the bullying got worse, and....." I stopped, thinking of whether I should tell him that I cut. I know he has dealt with it with some of his fans, but I don't want him to think of me like the suicidal girl.

"And what Pai?" he had pleading eyes.

I pulled away from him and looked him directly in the eyes. I was still contemplating what to do, do I show him or not?

"I-I can't tell you," I hid my face.

"Please Paisley, I promise I won't judge you not matter what." he gently touched my arm, and I flinched.

He looked confused, and he grabbed my arm. He then pulled up the sleeve, revealing my new and old cuts. He looked at them, and he looked so upset. He then lifted up my other sleeve, revealing only some of my other ones. He looked into my eyes, and I felt so bad.

"Paisley?" was all he said barely above a whisper. He looked like he could actually cry, but he wouldn't allow it to happen.

"I told you, it got worse. I've never shown anyone, you're the first to ever see them. I make at least three cuts a day..." I sat there observing my own arms.

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