Meeting New People

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**Hayes's P.O.V**

I quickly pushed my thoughts aside. After Paisley and I were finished at the park, we walked back home. As we walked, we were hand in hand. I liked holding her hand because it made me feel connected to her again. As we strolled down the sidewalk, we were just joking around.

It's times like these that I love. Everything is so easy when we're being ourselves, and there's no pressure.

"So how are the other guys?" Paisley asks sounding genuinely interested.

"They're good I guess, I haven't really talked to them recently...." I trail off.

"Oh..." she mutters.

Maybe I should text them later and catch up. I push that aside for later, and I try to conjure up a new subject.

"So how's your YouTube channel?" I ask a little hesitant.

"I don't post videos anymore...I haven't posted one in months." she mumbles.

"Why not?" a frown forming on my face.

"No one really liked me. The only reason they watched my videos was in hopes that you would be in them. I mostly got hate anyways." I could see the pang of sadness on her face.

"I had no idea...." I felt bad for her.

"It's fine, I'm over it." she responded, avoiding eye contact.

We continued our walk, and we were outside our houses. I offered to have Paisley over, but she didn't take me up on it. She walked over to her house, and I went inside mine. When I got inside, I was surprised. Nash and some girl were talking on the couch. I have no idea who she is.

I slammed the door shut, and Nash turned his head towards me.

"Hayes!" he shouted.

"What?" I asked walking into the same room as him.

"I would like to introduce you to someone," he said gesturing over to the girl.

"Uh hi," I didn't really know what to say.

"My names Anastasia, but you can call me Anna." she smiled.

"Ok, well nice to meet you Anna." we gently shook hands.

"Now that you've met, you can leave Hasss!" Nash quickly spoke.

"My pleasure," I said and walked up to my room.

Once I got up to my room, I plopped down on the bed. I didn't know what to do, so I just started scrolling through Twitter. I was creeping on fans' accounts, and then suddenly I noticed whose I was on.

I somehow managed to come across Paisley's account. I scrolled through her tweets, and a mix of emotions hit me.

@PaiVentura: I never thought I could feel this broken :(

@PaiVentura: Its sucks when you slowly start to lose someone you care about..

@PaiVentura: @HayesGrier Good luck on your tour! Don't forget about me lol

@PaiVentura: @HayesGrier quit tweeting me!!! You're sitting right next to me!

The most recent ones were the ones that hurt me. Maybe I should've paid more attention to her. Anyways, when I scrolled down a little further, I had a smile on my face. The majority of her tweets were to me or about me.
Hey guys, I have some news that might be disappointing. I'm not really into this story anymore, so I'm no longer going to continue it. Maybe later I will find motivation to finish it, but don't count on it. I'm sorry if you're disappointed.

Barely Slipping By (Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now