Fessing Up

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**Hayes's P.O.V**

"Why don't you go next door, and try talking to her?" Nash suggested.

"I tried talking to her all day at school, but she didn't want anything to do with me." I informed him.

"Hmm...." Nash sounded.

"I guess I really can't blame her, especially since I never try to help her." I whispered to myself.

"What do you mean?" I guess I said it loud enough for Nash to hear.

"Everyday three guys I'm friends with beat her up in the hallway. They punch, slap, and kick her until she can't even stand anymore. No one ever tries to help, we just stand there. A lot of the time people are laughing, but I just stand there feeling bad for her." I explained.

"You are such a dipshit Hayes! How can you just stand there, and watch your best friend get hurt like that?" he basically yelled at me.

"She's not my best friend anymore," was all I said.

"So what! I don't care if you're still friends or not! You still shouldn't stand there and watch! How would you feel if someone was beating you up, and no one did anything to help you?" Nash just kept getting louder.

"I get the point!" I shouted back.

Nash pulled his stare away from me and looked at Sky. She was done eating, so he took her plate.

"Sky can you please go up to your room?" he politely asked.

"Okay Nashy, but please don't fight with Hayes!" she said taking glances at the both of us.

"I'll try my best," Nash was looking at her with a sincere expression.

"Promise?" she asked holding out her pinkie finger.

"Promise," Nash said intertwining his with hers.

Sky then made her way upstairs. Once she was up there, he started talking to me again.

"You really need to stand up for her Hayes!" Nash insisted.

"I know," I said hanging my head because I knew he was right.

"Now go next door, and try to talk to her." Nash basically shoved me out the door.

Once I was out the door, I made my way next door. I was in front of her door, and I was standing there. Should I actually do this?

Soon my knuckles were connecting with the door as I started knocking. Looks like they decided for me, and it was too late to turn around now. I had to go through with this.

"What do you want Hayes, don't you get the hint!" Paisley said while opening the door.

"Paisley, please. I know I messed up, but I miss being your friend." I spoke quickly.

"Obviously you didn't miss me enough if you could basically forget about me for a whole year. If you were ever truly my friend, you never would've stopped being one. Also, you wouldn't just stand there every day!" she shouted, shaking. I wish I could just hug her, and tell her everything will be okay.

"I know, I know. I've made a lot of mistakes, and I wish I could take them back. I really do miss you though Pai, I want to be friends again. I'm not asking for your trust back, but please give me a chance." I was begging by this point.

"You don't have the right to call me Pai anymore, first off! Secondly, you will never have my trust again. Did you just expect to come over here again, and ask for my forgiveness? This isn't how it works Hayes! You hurt me so much, and you can never take that back! You had plenty of chances, but no! You never took any of them because your ego was more important than being there for me!" she started to cry, and I knew in that moment I will most likely never get her back.

Barely Slipping By (Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now