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**Hayes's P.O.V**

Everyday during school is the same thing. I always see Paisley getting bullied, but I never do anything about it. I stand there and watch. They're so brutal, but yet no one ever stands up for her. Everyone laughs, and they just say rude things about her. I would stand up for her, but I would get a bad ego.

I never really understood why she became the victim. Paisley is so sweet, and she would never hurt anyone. At least, she wouldn't hurt anyone on purpose. I always consider asking Laine, Mike, and Drew why they beat her up. I'm just afraid that if I say something, they will turn against me.

After Paisley's beating today, she was knocked out cold. Everyone slowly left as she laid there on the ground, unresponsive. I quickly carried her to the nurse's office, and then I left. All I told the nurse is that she hit her head, I didn't bother explaining everything. After I took her there, I returned to class.

"Mr. Grier, you're late." the teacher announced as I walked through the door.

"Sorry, I had to take care of something." I bluntly responded.

"Then it looks like you can take care of the detention you will be serving tomorrow." my teacher hates me I'm pretty sure.

I didn't say anything, I just sat down. The teacher glanced at me one last time before returning to the lesson. In the middle of class, we received homework. The teacher gave us class time to finish it, so I was able to finish. That meant no homework in this class.

After I was finished, I got on my phone. We're allowed to have our phones as long as we pay attention. I decided to get on Twitter, and I tweeted a few things. The whole time I was waiting for the bell to ring, I kept thinking about Paisley. I really hope she's okay.

Once the bell went off, I rushed out of class. No one wants to be in their longer than needed. It was now time for lunch, that meant a lot of people filed into the cafeteria. I went to my usual spot, and I was the first one there. Soon I was joined by Mike, Laine, and Drew. A few others tagged along, but I didn't mind.

We were all sitting there when suddenly they brought up Paisley.

"Did you guys see her face, she looked so scared!" Laine laughed.

"I don't get why she is still here, she's just a waste of space." Drew spoke.

"Everyone wants her to kill herself, why doesn't she do it already?" Mike added.

"Why do you guys hate Paisley so much?" I can't believe that just slipped from my mouth.

"What was that Hayes?" Mike asked.

"I asked why you hate her so much," I repeated.

"She's a complete slut, that's why." this was Mike's reasoning.

"How is she a slut? What has she done?" I asked curious.

"She messed around with me then broke up because she didn't want to do it anymore," he explained.

There's no way Paisley would ever do that. She would never get involved with a guy like him. I know this for a fact. Sure I was gone for about a year, but there's still no way. Or is there?

I didn't say anything, I just nodded my head. Soon the guys changed subjects, but I wasn't focusing on what they were saying. I just couldn't help but wonder what happened when I was gone.

After lunch was over, it was time for a class that I share with Paisley. I hurried there to see if she was there. I walk in to see she wasn't. Maybe she went home...

I was listening to the teacher drag on and on about something. Suddenly the door slowly opens, and Paisley walks in. I'm sure my face brightened when I saw her because I was happy that she was okay. Also, I knew she had to sit by me.

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