Knocked Down

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**Nash's P.O.V**

I went to the Aeropostale store while Paisley was getting her hair done. I was sort of surprised she was changing it. I remember how scared of change she used to be, but maybe that has changed too. After all, I have missed a lot since I've been gone.

Once I got to the Aeropostale store, I noticed all of the pictures hanging up. I looked at each of them, and I saw me on a few. It gave me this amazing feeling...I'm not exactly sure how to describe it. It was almost like a sense of accomplishment because I'm starting to live out my dreams.

It's hard to believe I have a clothing line with my best friend and brother. I never would've imagined I'd be where I am today. I can never repay my fans enough. While walking around, I spotted the cutouts. I took a picture with each of our cutouts, and then posted it. It instantly started to get a ton of likes and comments.

Not long after I posted the picture, fans started to figure out where I was. As each fan came up to me, I greeted them. I gave them a hug, we talked, took pictures, and signed a few things. I even recorded a few videos for them. After all of the fans were finished, I was still waiting on Paisley.

Suddenly, my phone started to vibrate. That indicated I was getting a call, so I quickly got out my phone and answered.

"Hello?" I sort of asked.

"Hey! I'm done! Where are you?" it was Paisley.

"I'm at Aeropostale," I quickly said back.

"Okay, stay there, I'll meet you there!" she sounded so happy.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yep! I'll see you in a few!" she said before hanging up.

I decided since I was here, why not buy some things. I tried on a couple of things, I found some things I liked. I ended up buying them, and Paisley still wasn't here. I was staring to get worried because she should've been here by now. I grabbed my bags, and I started walking towards the salon.

I was almost there when I saw a girl push a guy. This girl had brown hair, and she was built almost like Paisley. I walk over there to get a better look, and then I notice who it actually is. Paisley had just pushed Mike away from herself. I quickly walked over to her to see if she was okay.

"What's going on here?" I asked.

"He ran into me, and I fell. When I got up, he grabbed me. So I pushed him away!" Paisley shouted.

"Well maybe you should pay attention to where you're going slut!" Mike shouted back starting to cause a scene.

"That's enough! Let's go Paisley!" I gently grabbed her wrist, and I drug her away.

I took her to a bench where not many people go. I then started to talk to her calmly.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Ya....I'm used to it by now." her head slowly dropped.

"You shouldn't be though. No one should ever have to get used to that." I honestly felt bad for her.

"Don't worry about it Nash, it's not your problem." she caressed my hand with hers.

"It kinda is my problem if someone is picking on you," I told her.

"No, it's not. Just leave it alone Nash, I'll be okay. I promise." she stuck out her pinkie finger.

"Ok, promise." I quietly sat there and intertwined our pinkies.

Once we were finished, I suggested something to get out minds off what just happened.

"Wanna go on a shopping spree?" I smiled wide.

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