Skipping Forward

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*One year later*

*Hayes' POV*

It feels like just yesterday I was kissing Paisley in the hall. Who would've thought I ever would've gotten enough courage to do that, even I can't believe it. However, I'm glad I did kiss her. Thanks to that kiss, it opened up more possibilities. I was finally able to let go of my ego. I no longer cared what my "friends" thought about me. The only people who matter in my life are my friends, family, fans, and my amazing girlfriend.

"Y-you kissed me ba-back." I stuttered.

"What can I say, you're a pretty good kisser." Paisley laughed.

She quickly pulled away in some type of realization.

"I'm so sorry!" she looked a little upset.

"What are you sorry about?" I was completely confused.

"What about your reputation? It's all going to be ruined now because of me, and -" I cut her off by reconnecting my lips to hers.

"I don't care about my reputation. I let my ego get to my head, and it distracted me from what was truly important." I got out between kisses. "I want you Paisley."

"I w-wa-want you too.." she started "but I'm not sure about this.."

I was taken back by her answer. I guess I really wasn't expecting her to say yes. However, I definitely wasn't expecting that reaction.

"What aren't you sure about?" I questioned.

"I just don't want you to get hate for being with me. Plus what happens when your fans find out? They already hate me, and this isn't going to make things any better. I'm not sure I can be under that type of pressure." she was staring into my eyes and I could physically sense the pain.

"I don't care about the hate. I will take every ounce of it if it means I get to spend the rest of my time with you. You're the only one I want. You, and only you. I don't care if my fans find out. You mean the absolute world to me. We'll go through all of this together. We can make this work, I promise you." I was now looking into her eyes, and I was just hoping she would agree. My heart was beating out of my chest.

"Promise?" she said sticking out her pinky.

"Promise." I then intertwined them.

"Will you, Paisley Ventura, be my girlfriend?" I smiled at her.

"Of course," she smiled back.

I then leaned down and gave her a passionate kiss. After that kiss, we walked off to class hand in hand. Both of us received several strange looks, but I didn't care anymore. I finally ended up with the girl of my dreams.

Paisley and I lasted about 8 months. Eventually, everything got the best of us. She was receiving so much hate, and it was affecting her. She had actually stopped cutting for awhile, until the hate became too much for her. It pushed her over the edge. One time, she tried to end everything including her life. I was the one to find her. She had cut her wrists so deep, and she was rushed to the emergency room. I thought I had lost her completely, but she ended up making it through it. That made me realize that maybe the best thing for us was to break up. I didn't want to see her struggle and try to end her life because of being in a relationship with me. She deserves so much better than I could ever offer her. She deserves a normal life.

Paisley and I are still closer than ever. We're best friends, but we try to keep our lives as private as possible. She's in therapy getting the help she needs so she can try to stop cutting again. I'm proud of her, and I know she will overcome this. I'm just glad to say that I will be with her every step of the way.

Two months after Paisley and I broke up, I started talking to another girl. She had no idea who I was, which I enjoyed. I knew she actually liked me for me, and not the fame. That was one of the most refreshing feelings ever. After talking for a solid month, we became official. My fans are aware that I'm dating her, and they're still not as accepting. Anyways, she doesn't really let hate get to her. Or at least, she hasn't said anything. I just hope we can make this last because I truly do like her. I guess we'll just see where things take us.

All I can tell you about the future is that I'm not going to lose my best friend again. Who knows, maybe even one day we'll be more than best friends again. I guess we'll see if dreams do come true.

Barely Slipping By (Hayes Grier)Where stories live. Discover now