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*Paisley's P.O.V**

The movie had started, and we were really close. We were both wrapped up in a fleece blanket. I was leaning into Nash's side. He wrapped his right arm around me, this made me feel comforted. Eventually, my head ended up on his shoulder.

As the movie kept playing, I kept talking to the TV. Every time I watch a scary movie, I always call what's going to happen. I also scream at the people like they can hear me. I think Nash was starting to get annoyed by my loudness.

"You know, you could just watch and listen. It's not like they can hear you anyways." he calmly spoke.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I will try my best to refrain." I rested my head on his chest.

"Thank you," he said just above a whisper.

I didn't respond, I just focused on the movie again. I didn't make one sound, I actually started to get a little scared. To save myself from nightmares tonight, I focused on anything but the movie. I closed my eyes, and I listened to Nash's heartbeat. It was a soothing sound in a perfect rhythm.

While listening to his heartbeat, I felt my eyes start to get heavy. I would close them for a couple of minutes, but then I would force them back open. I continued this act for about twenty minutes, and then I couldn't stand it anymore. It came to the point where I was too tired to open my eyes, so I just left them closed. I fell asleep on Nash's chest, listening to the beat of his heart.

I felt someone move under me, and I started to wake up. Nash gently lifted me off of his chest, and he got up. Then he scooped me up in his arms, and he so sweetly carried me to bed. Once he set me on my bed, he covered me with my comforter. He then turned on my ceiling fan, he must have remembered. I can't sleep when it's hot, I have to have cold air to sleep. That may be odd, but I honestly don't care.

However, before I fell back asleep, I heard him whisper something. What he said is something I will never forget because it could change everything. What he said wouldn't just affect me, but it could affect so many other people.

I didn't show any signs that I was awake, so Nash gave me a quick peck on the forehead. He then left my room, and that was the last I saw of him that night.

When I woke up the next morning, I was in a good mood. I had remembered everything that had previously happened, but then what Nash whispered came back into my mind. How do I deal with it? Should I talk to him, or just pretend like I never heard it and move on?

I decided to face my problem because I honestly don't have anything to lose. I walked out of my house, and I went next door. I was now standing in front of their house, and I slowly knocked on the door. Hayes opened the door in mid yawn, and he rubbed his eyes. As soon as he saw me, he was wide eyed.

"W-what are you doing here?" Hayes asked in shock.

"C-Ca-Can we talk?" I stuttered.

"Um yes, come in." he motions upstairs.

I went up to his old bedroom, and I sat on his bed. He closed the door behind us, and took a seat himself. He stared at me, neither of us saying anything.

"So um what do you wanna talk about?" he asked.

"I need to ask you a question...." I was starting to regret coming here.

"And...." he stopped himself.

"Do you like me?" I built up the courage to ask.

"Paisley, of course I d-" someone barged in through the door.

"Hayes it's time to get u-!" Nash stopped mid sentence. "Paisley?"

"Nash," I said.

"Why are you here?" he lifted an eyebrow.

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