An Uneventful Morning

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Okay quick thing to point out. Only The Dream Team and Happyduo will have opposites. Everyone else is still themselves. So instead of Dream, GeorgeNotFound, Sapnap, BadBoyHalo and Skeppy, it will be Nightmare, GeorgeWasFound, Napsap, GoodBoyHalo, and Jef.

Also only Damien will have a demon form which is GoodBoyHalo. Every other opposite's in game name is just a nickname like Nightmare is Clay's nickname. However, one of the other opposites will reveal to have a demon form later in the story but I won't say who because it is a surprise ;) Have fun guessing! Anyways on to the story!


Beep! Beep! Beep!

I tiredly open my eyes and slam my hand on my alarm to turn it off. Ugh, Monday, a school day. Why can't the weekend last a bit longer? Two days is not enough to relax after 5 days of learning about useless stuff that will get us no where in life. Maybe math is kinda important but not the complicated math that we have to learn now. I sit up and rub my tired icy blue eyes and put my glasses on so I can see properly.

I get out of my comfy bed even if I didn't really want to, and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I look down as the warm water drips down my fluffy now wet platinum blonde hair to actually wake me up.

After a few minutes I get out and dry myself off. I yawned as I put on a grey hoodie and ripped jeans. My hoodies are so soft I almost want to go back to sleep, but I urge the temptation. I go downstairs and put a frozen waffle in the toaster as I gather my things for school.


As I grabbed the waffle out of the toaster, I grabbed my backpack and headed out the door to the bus stop. I quietly munch on my waffle as I wait for the bus. Luckily I'm the only person on my block that rides the bus so it's just me waiting at the corner. A few minutes pass and the bus comes. I got on and found a seat at the back. There were other kids but when they saw me, they look at me and quickly look the other way. I sit down and pull out my phone and earbuds and play some music until we get to school.

Let me tell you a bit about myself to pass the time. My name is GoodBoyHalo and I'm a demon of pure white but my personality is the opposite of pure. During school my name is Damien Winters and I have to be in a human form. I'm not really a people person and I'm feared by almost everyone in school. I'm not a bully, I'm just a bit standoff-ish and cold at times. I have a short temper and if you piss me off, good luck. You're lucky if I let you live. I have gotten into a few fights and because I'm a demon, the school can't really expel me because it's my nature to be like this.

You might think I live a sad and lonely life, but I don't mind. I especially hate when people pity me or when someone says they can change me for the better. Just mind your own damn business and let me be me and I will do the same for you. It's that simple.

The bus pulls in front of the school and that means it's time to sit in 8 boring classrooms for 7 hours now. I get off the bus and head to my locker to put my backpack away. As I walk through the crowded hallways, everyone stares at me, whisper, then look the other way.

This is normal for me. If someone looks at me funny I give them the death glare or a demon growl and then problem solved. I tend to demon growl a lot even if I'm in my human form. According to the internet, demons and their growling is considered "hot." What a bunch of fucking simps.

I grab what I need for home room out of my locker and leave. My desk is in the back which I like because I don't like attention. Everyone is on their phone. Phones aren't allowed but everyone doesn't give a shit nowadays and does it anyway and the teachers don't give a fuck either. They just want to teach, get paid, and retire.

I pull my phone out and scroll through Twitter to see what's new in the simping world. Just more and more people drooling over demons and fictional characters. Gag me. It's a good thing I didn't specify I was a demon on social media or I would get constant dms from people telling them to do inappropriate stuff to them or to step on them. Why are people so horny these days? Like I mean they aren't wrong, but I would want to do the dirty with someone I know and care about not a stranger from the internet. I have no friends in this world and I don't really give a fuck. Again, don't pity me or you will feel the wrath of GoodBoyHalo.

Morning announcements come on which signals everyone to put their phones away as I do the same. I barely listen to the announcements though since they are boring as fuck.

As soon as they were done another announcement was heard from the loudspeaker and it surprised me

"Damien Winters, please report to the principal's office immediately."

Welcome to my new story! It's the same author that brought to you the Dreamsmp story, Like Father Like Daughter. I hope you like this Jefhalo story. Also I'm not really good with writing in first person so bare with me :)

Anyways again hope you like this new story!


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