Pumpkin Harvest

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"Damien Winters." The principal stood up out his chair. "You are hereby suspended from this school."

Ugh those dreaded words coming out of his filthy mouth.

"What?! What did I do?" I was not happy.

He looked at me with his emerald eyes. "Don't act like you don't know what's going on." He coughed a bit. I could smell the smoke. "We have footage of you breaking into the school and using a teacher's computer to access the system." Puffs of smoke filled the air. It's like they were swirling around me.

"So if I was? I was protecting my friend from one of your students who was a danger to him in the past. Clay." Sinister laughing came from the dark corner of the office. There he was. Clay, Nightmare, whatever you want to call him. I prefer demon fuck.

"Ah, Clay thank you for making it. I thought you could help clear some misunderstandings." He tipped his hat a bit. "I would be glad to sir." He was wearing some odd clothes. He looked like a...security guard? He looked at me. He loved my look of anger and confusion. "Aw what's the matter Damie~? Didn't you know I am a part time security guard here? It's good for extra curriculars."

A security guard? What a perfect coverup for his reason to be there last night. What if he just put it on and wiped the principal's mind to make him seem like he worked there. He is good. Too good.

The principal looked up and cleared his throat. "Mr. Malachite, the security camera footage, please?" Clay nodded and gave him an SD card and smiled. The principal took the card and plugged it into his computer and file popped up onto the screen. Another click made a video appear of everything the camera recorded that night.

I then saw a figure in a black hood. Me. I saw him logging onto the computer in this very office. But, I don't see Jef? "Hey, there should be one other person here. Where's Jef?" The principal looked confused. "What do you mean? There is only you. There you are blaming another one of my students. I told you to show him around and be his friend. Not turn him into another one of you."

"You're lucky I quote unquote "look the other way" when you act up because of your...condition. Others probably won't do the same. A suspension is nothing compared to what I could do. For all I care I could expel you if I wanted."

I was furious.

"Condition? What the fuck are you talking about?! I was born this way"  It's like they were treating me as some experiment gone wrong. I wanted to crush their skulls so bad.

"Now now easy." Clay barged in. "We are only trying to help you."

Those last few words really set



I turned full demon and lunged at Clay pulling him to the ground swiping at him with my claws and my full force to pin him down. "How many fucking times do I have to tell you people?!"

"I DON'T WANT YOUR FUCKING HELP! I don't want you. I don't need you. I DON'T NEED ANY OF YOU. I don't need any of you to feel sorry for me or to change me in any way. I'M NOT A GOOD PERSON AND I FUCKING ACCEPT IT. Just leave me the hell alone!" I let Clay go and burst out the office slowly turning back to normal.

There were tears in my eyes but of how angry I was, those tears could quickly evaporate. As I sat down by the lockers, Jef was standing right beside me. I looked at him with a smile.

But that's when he got an uneasy look and backed away a step. I looked confused. "What's wrong?" It's like he was...afraid of me.

"Don't think I didn't hear what went down in the office. You-you liar!" "What are you talking about? I didn't lie? It was Nightmare he got out of the situation and blamed me!"

Jef looked at me hurt and angry. "Yeah well, why did you really do it, huh? Did you actually care about me at all or did you just use me to make yourself more powerful. To take down Nightmare so you can have all the power to yourself."

I looked pissed. "Why would you ever think that?! Yeah Nightmare has been an asshole to me for a long time but I never wanted to be like him. You are the only person I care about."

Jef looked away. "I thought you said in that office that you didn't need anyone. And to think I would consider having a second chance with a demon. I thought you were different. But I guess I was wrong." He turned around.

"Jef wait! I-I didn't mean it like that! I just didn't want people to change who I am. To think I'm just some misunderstood demon who just needed someone to be with to change him for the better. I'm a really shitty person when I want to be. And I only show it when I need or want to."

Jef stopped. He took one last sad glance at me. "Well, in whatever way you meant it, it still really hurt me. Save your breath for you trash talking others and making them feel like shit so you feel better about your sad pathetic little self. Being a demon is not an excuse for you to be this way. Especially to someone you somewhat care about. I'm done. Goodbye GoodBoyHalo." He then ran off.

I couldn't believe it. What the fuck just happened? I lost the only person I cared about and who cared about me..

Jef was running in the halls crying. He then stopped by a bathroom and was pounding onto a sink in tears. "What- what just happened? I- I didn't mean all of that did I?"

Someone walked into the bathroom and clapped his hands slowly and dramatically. "Bravo Jef. Bravo." Jef looked at him and slowly backed up. "Nightmare...?" He snickered a bit. "The one and only. Got to hand it to you Jef. To finish off Good like that takes willpower. Even I couldn't have talked down to him like that. Real stunning!"

Jef looked flustered a bit and twiddled his thumbs. "Stop it. Get away from me. I need a break." "Oh come on." Nightmare said. "Come with me. I know exactly what you need. How about a pumpkin spice latte?"

My treat~


Heheheh angst timee

Anyways thanks for reading! Again sorry for not writing ins a super longggggg time. But that just means more time to think of what to put next in this book lmao.

Also don't worry the pumpkin and the cupcake will reunite soon enough u^u

stay tuned heheh


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