Hard to Move On

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Beep beep beep

Jef was buried in his pillows and blankets. He groaned when he heard the all too familiar beeping noise of his alarm clock. He didn't want to get out of bed. It was too soft and comfy. The beeping only went faster, making Jef paranoid. He shot out of bed and turned off his alarm. He rubbed his eyes and stretched, cracking his back a little.

He tiredly went out of his room to take a shower. He brushed his messy brown hair before putting it in a beanie and wearing his usual black and orange hoodie.

He walked downstairs to find a plate of waffles at his seat with a note.

I'm still sorry for dragging you out last night for the truth. I know how hard that must've been for you. You fell asleep on me after we stopped at your school so I took you home. Here is some waffles made by moi.


Jef held the note and smiled. He couldn't believe Good made him breakfast. He was so nice to him for no reason.

He felt his face heat up as he was eating his waffles. Did he really like Good? Like more than a friend? His


He shook his head. It was probably because he wasn't as close to someone like he was with...Nightmare.

He didn't know what to do with Nightmare.

He can't forget all the awful things he did like kill his two best friends. But for some reason....he misses him. Just a bit.

He just misses all the times they hung out. No matter how much he hurt him, he still sorta loved him. Is that wrong?

Sometimes he would wipe the side if his face thinking that there would be a black smudge from Nightmare kissing him.

His eyes were watering. He couldn't be crying. Over someone he should be hating his guts right now. Oh he wish he was beside Good, beside anyone comforting him and telling him that it's okay.

Jef was hunched over at his table over his half-eaten waffles crying. He didn't have the strength to go to school. Maybe he would just have a sick day. Jef sighed and slowly went back upstairs to his room and laid down on his bed. He was hugging one of his pillows while crying. Tears stained the pillows and sheets. He slowly fell back asleep.

Jef woke up to find himself in a café. He looked around. Everything was bright and had a day glow look to it. He stood up and went to go order a drink. Seasonal drinks were his favorite. Like pumpkin spice in the fall and peppermint mocha in the winter. When it was spring or summer he would just get a caramel frappuccino even it was 10% coffee and 90% everything else. He is known for having a sweet tooth.

He was next in line to order. The cashier greeted him with a warm smile. "What can I getcha?"

Jef looked at the menu for a quick second "Can I have a medium pumpkin spice with extra whipped cream?"

The cashier nodded and went to go make his drink. Jef slid a few dollars on the counter while he waited.

He looked around at all the people. Some chatting with friends. Some by them selves on their phones. And some with laptops enjoying their coffee while they work. One table caught his eye. A boy with messy blonde hair pulled in a little ponytail in a red hoodie sat at a table in the corner. He was looking at his phone while sipping an iced coffee. They looked familiar. Almost like- No that can't be Nightmare. It just can't. He had another thought when he heard the cashier.

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