Forgivable Night

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Jef was on a walk with Nightmare. He was mostly looking away from him as they walked. Nightmare noticed this as tried to hold his hand but Jef flinched and quickly took it away and put both of his hands in his hoodie pocket. Nightmare sighed before he finally spoke. "You doing okay?"

Jef looked up at him and rolled his eyes "I think we have two different definitions of okay. I'm not if that is what you are looking for."

Nightmare had shock in his expression "Jeez when did the pumpkin become so sarcastic?"

He giggled a bit before Jef was fed up with him and picked him up by his shirt collar and threw him against a brick wall in an alley way.

Nightmare flinched and grinned "Damn Jef didn't know you could be such a rotten pumpkin!" Jef pushed him against the wall harder. "Don't you fucking dare call me pumpkin again. You have hurt me so much so don't pretend that you care."

It was Nightmares turn to bite. as he pushed Jef away. "Oh boo fucking hoo. Someone's still butthurt about losing their friend. I didn't make you say any  of that. That was all on you. Don't blame me for when you mess up."

Jef got angry. "I never said I didn't mess up. I'm not the perfect angel everyone thinks I am. Especially to you who you think you can just drag around and manipulate. Yes I messed up but I would've never have said all of that of you hadn't ruined my life."

Nightmare was speechless. Almost no one has ever stood up to him. He didn't know what to say. He was trying to think of something to get back at him but he got nothing.

Jef glared at him. "Got nothing to say? Good. I'm done. Goodbye Nightmare." He than ran out of the alleyway and away from Nightmare. Nightmare growled before cracking his back.

"That boy.. I could've gave him everything. Made him powerful. He already had the potential. But instead he rather waste it on some pathetic demon." He began walking the other way "I'm done playing games."

Jef was running through the town as fast as he can. His legs were growing tired but he had to keep running. He ran 3 streets until he was at Goods house. He was panting when he was on his porch. He eventually caught his breath before he rang the doorbell.

It took a minute before Good answered the door. He was in his demon form. He looked at Jef and then his eyes were squinty as he had an angry expression on his face. "The fuck you want?" Jef looked up at him. "Can I come in?" He growled before opening the door more and walking back into the room. Jef sighed and followed him into the house.

Good sat on the couch in front of the TV. There was nothing on so he was just staring at a blank screen. Jef slowly sat down beside him but not too close. There were a few minutes of silence before Good looked at him. "Are you going to say anything or can you get the fuck out of my house and leave me alone?"

Jef responded "I came to apologize. I shouldn't have said all of that to you. I didn't mean it." Good scoffed "The fuck you didn't. You just feel bad. I don't need your pity I don't need anyone's. Now can you leave me alone?" Jef then took Goods hands. "I know you don't want anyone to feel bad for you and to change you. I know. I understand. That's not what I'm doing. I just care about you."

Good looked at him and sat closer to him. "You do?" Jef smiled and nodded. Good was just staring at him for a minute. Tears started to form in his eyes. Jef giggled "Come here my silly fluff ball of a demon" He held his arms out before Good toppled onto him and wrapped his arms in a bear hug around Jef. He was crying. "Aww.." Jef cooed before cuddling with Good and rubbing his back. Good was sniffling a bit.

"It's okay Good, just let it all out." Jef continuing to cuddle in Goods warm fluffy embrace. Good stayed crying for a good five minutes before he got off of Jef ans looked at him. He looked a mess. Tears in his eyes, his fur a bit wet from crying and all a mess. Jef smiled before wiping the tears away from Goods eyes and then giving him a small kiss on the cheek.

Goods face turned a bit red. "W-What was that for?" Jef giggled "Seems like you needed it." Good just held his face his tail wagging a bit. He was a confused flustered mess which only made Jef giggle more. "Oh should show this side of you more. I love it!" Good looked at him. "Really?" Jef smiled and nodded before getting closer to him.

"I love you GoodBoyHalo." He smiled ans cuddled into his chest.  Goods tail wagged more as he smiled. "I love you too." He pulled Jef in for a long kiss. Jef whined a bit as he wrapped his arms around him. Good smiled as he eventually pulled away. Jef  giggled a bit before kissing him again which caught Good in surprise. Good began playing with Jefs hair as he continued to kiss him. Jef smiled and leaned into his hand. He pulled away and was just cuddling on Goods chest.

Good kissed his cheek. "I love you pumpkin."

Jef was playing with his fur. "I love you too my demon"

They both continued to cuddle each other before they eventually fell asleep on the couch.

A black shadow with red eyes was watching him through the window. He grinned. "Enjoy it while it lasts Jeffery. I don't need you anymore to fulfill my plans anyway. You were just an extra reward." He then disappeared into the darkness and left Good and Jef alone in slumber.

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