Warm Embrace

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Jef looked at me. "What are you doing here Good?" I sighed. "Well you weren't in school. And you usually never have a sick day. So I wanted to see how you're doing."

Jef sighed and turned to the other side, his back facing me. "I don't want to talk about it.."

I climbed onto Jef's bed and rubbed his back. "It's okay. You don't have to. Bad dream? Nightmare even?"

Jef flinched at the word. He covered his face and hid in Good's chest.

I frowned. "Oh goodness I'm sorry Jef. I forgot..."

"It's okay..." Jef sniffed. "The one thing I actually want to do is just forget..."

I looked down and hugged Jef. I really felt bad. "Don't say things like that. I know things are tough now but at least we found out the truth. Who knows what would happen if we didn't."

Jef looked at me. His face was all red and puffy from crying. "I know I know.. I just don't want to think of all these horrible memories.. I thought I could move on but he kept coming back and part of me wanted him back but the other part of me keeps reminding me of what he did. I just want all of this to go away..."

I fluffed up his hair and put a hand on Jef's shoulder. "Hey look at me. I want this to go away too. Clay has been a pain in the ass for me too and I know that's no excuse compared to what you had to deal with but we both want him gone. Forcing the memories out is not good though. It's just going to make things worse. There are other healthier ways to not think about certain things."

Jef looked at me tiredly. He had bags in his eyes and his nose was all red and his hoodie was stained with tears. "Like what..."

I thought for a bit. "Well, you could try and get some sleep. You look really tired."

Jef shook his head "No. I don't want to risk having another bad dream again. I just need some coffee." He climbed out of bed tiredly. "Oh no you don't cupcake. Come here" I grabbed Jef by the hood pulling him back down on the bed.

Jef rubbed his eyes. He was too tired to process what I just said. He groaned and yawned. He was really out of it. I looked at him. "I could sle-stay with you if you want. That way you aren't alone."

Jef smiled tiredly. "That would be fine." Jef made room for me on the bed and I scooted next to him. His sheets were soft. I laid down and ran my fingers through his cinnamon brown hair which was also soft and fluffy. Jef slowly closed his eyes. I yawned a bit. Looking at his sleeping face was starting to put me to sleep.

I cuddled close to him when I heard little muffles coming from his mouth. I don't know if he was sleep talking but it was cute. I couldn't help but smile. But one caught me off guard. I think he expected me to hear it.

I love you GoodBoyHalo

My face turned a light pink. It was the first time someone said that to me. I didn't know what to think at first. I smiled. There were butterflies in my stomach. I leaned over and whispered in his ear while kissing his head.

I love you too, pumpkin

I laid my head down next to his on the pillow and smiled before closing my eyes and drifting off.

The rest of the day after our nap went by quick. Jef didn't ask about what happened before he fell asleep so there was no need for me to ask. What if he was just actually sleep talking and didn't mean it? I didn't want to bug him with something he probably didn't remember.

We had a lazy day. We cuddled on the couch watching movies and ordered takeout. It's a good thing Jef's parents are away right now. I don't think they would be happy seeing their son playing hooky. He really wasn't. All the Nightmare bullshit drained all his energy and stressed him out. I wouldn't blame him. Clay was an asshole to me since middle school but name calling and bickering doesn't compare to all the abuse he did to Jef.

I never saw Clay in his nightmare form but the way Jef described him he sounded crusty looking. The messy hair, piercings, black saliva. Just sounded like the creature from the black lagoon but in teenager form. I wonder if Geo and Napsap know about Nightmare or do they only think Nightmare is just a simple nickname and if they are also victims of Nightmare's little games? Whatever is going on I want to put an end to it.

The next day Jef and I both woke up and started to head to school. Jef looked a bit nervous. "Do you think it's okay for me to go back? What about Nightmare?" I looked at him. "Hey. I'm here okay? If Nightmare goes after you he will have to go through me first. And nothing gets past me. Plus you still have that switchblade on you, right?"

Jef nodded and pulled it out. "Yep! Only for self defense though." I smiled. "That's right pumpkin!" Jef looked away turning a bit red. I giggled a little and kept on walking.

We reached the school and walked in the halls. Crowded with people always. Still the usual whispers about Jef and I. I swore I heard "gay allegations". I brushed it off and kept walking. Jef was looking around. "No sign of Nightmare." I nodded. "That's good. Maybe he is sick or something."

Then there was the loudspeaker.

"Damien Winters please report to the principal's office immediately!"

I sighed.

Shit, what now?

♥︎Cliffhanger uwu♥︎

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