The New Boy

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As the announcement was playing, there was chatter among the classroom. Probably thinking I have gotten in trouble. I don't remember doing anything bad recently so that wasn't the case.

I immediately went out of the classroom and walked to the office. All I could be thinking is why I was called down. I wasn't in trouble, or I least I think I wasn't. I do well in school but not so well to get an award or something like that. So what could they possibly need me for?

I opened the door to the office to be greeted by one of the secretaries. "Ah, Damien Winters!" They said. "Come right in and take a seat!"

I sit down on one of the chairs and the Principal walks out of his office with another boy my age. He had tannish/light brownish skin with an orange beanie with a pumpkin face on it hiding fluffy brown hair. He was wearing an orange hoodie with black sleeves and jeans. He was kinda short but that's just because I am super tall. I am 6'3 while he looks like a foot shorter than me.

The principal said "Damien, this is Jef Ahmed. He is new here at our school and I would like for you to show him around and make him feel welcome here. I chose you because he had the same class schedule as you and just moved in a block away from you. You might've not seen him today because he came in here before the other students did. I know how you get around people but I just know that you and Jef will get along. Can I count on you to make him feel welcome here?"

I felt angry inside. Like I want to scream at the man. I have told people countless times that I don't want anyone's pity or to change me for the better. I would expect the principal to know that since he knows that I am also GoodBoyHalo, a demon.

Suddenly as I looked at Jef, I felt calmer. By the warm smile he gave me, he felt like he could trust me. I couldn't help but give a small smile back. I barely smile in my life. Jeez why is this boy making me feel all soft?

The principal looked at me. "Well, what is your answer, Damien? Will you help Jef or not?" I gave him one last look and sighed "Yes sir, I will." Thr principal smiled. "Good! Now, homeroom will be ending in a bit which means first period will start soon. I would advise if you show Jef to his first class."

I nodded "Yes sir." I then looked at Jef. "Come on, let me show you around here." I lead Jef out of the principal's office and walked down the hallway. "Okay Jef. Your first period is math. I don't know if you like math but it is super boring and complicated." Jef understood. "Tell me about it, I went to a private school and it was super hard and boring."

That was the first time I heard his voice. It sounded so soft and so calm. There is something about him that makes me want to open up more. Oh my god Good, you are going soft again! Stop it!

We head to math class and he sits down by me. I pull out my homework we had to do last night. 50 word problems, what the hell? As the bell rang, the teacher made her way across the room. Her name was Ms. Nihachu. "Class, we have a new student. Would you like to tell us all a bit about yourself?" Jef stood up and put his hands in his pockets. "Hello my name is Jef Ahmed. I am 16 and moved from North Dakota to here in Clearwater, Florida. I like to play video games like Minecraft and I like to garden a bit. My favorite thing in the world is pumpkin muffins." Jef sat back down.

Ms. Nihachu smiled. "Well, thank you Jef! We hope you feel welcome here!" We did our work and soon the class was over.

The rest of the day was pretty much the same. Jef introduced himself and we did boring class work. At lunch we sat together. Jef didn't feel like talking so we just ate in silence.

I was about to walk home because I only ride the bus in the mornings when I could hear screaming in the hallways. I looked around and I could see Jef getting picked on by a group of boys. I knew those boys all two well. The Nightmare Team. Clay lead the group. He had blonde hair and usually wore a red and black hoodie. A lot of people call him Nightmare. His right hand man is George aka GeorgeWasFound. Stupid name. Not as cool as Nightmare. He wore a red shirt with a blue box in the middle that said 666. On his head were black sunglasses. The toughest one is Nick aka Napsap. He had black hair with a white bandana around it with a black shirt with a panda. He wore a lot of chains around his neck. I wasn't going to let Jef get pushed around by these guys.

"Hey!" I growled "Why don't you pick on someone your own size dipshits!" Clay laughed "Well if it isn't Damien Winters. Surprised how they let you show the new kid around considering your short temper and ice cold personality. Surprised you haven't lashed out at him yet. But I will give it time. Won't be long until everyone is afraid of you for who you really are." Nick was holding Jef by his hoodie and George was pretending to punch him like he was a punching bag. Both were laughing as Jef was crying for help. "Stop it! Please!" Jef pleaded

Those fuckers were making me angrier by the second. I can't let them pick on Jef like that. Suddenly, my eyes turned red and I turned into my demon form, GoodBoyHalo. My skin and hair turned white and I had white and cyan cape over a grey sweater. I looked pissed as hell. I ran up to the Nightmare team and attacked them. I went to Napsap first since he was the strongest and  punched him in the face. With how hard I punched him he was out cold. I looked at the other two with a death glare "Who's next? You wanna test me?"

George and Nightmare looked at each other and grabbed Napsap and ran away. I laughed "Yeah, that's what I thought." I looked at Jef who was crying and looked at me in fear. I was still in my demon form. As i walked closer he slowly backed up. Oh no. He is scared of me. That bitch Nightmare set me up. He was only pretending to bully Jef so I would lose my temper and turn into GoodBoyHalo in front of Jef.

I had a look of guilt. "Jef, don't worry, it's me Damien. I'm not going to hurt you. Please, you don't have to be scared of me." I held out my hand so he would trust me. I don't know why but I don't want to lose Jef. He made today so different for some reason.

Jef slowly walked up to me. He then ran and hugged me. I was surprised as ever. I couldn't help but hug back. Jef looked at me. "Damien, can I stay at your house tonight?"

I looked at him. One minute he was scared of me and the next he wanted to sleep over at my house? I couldn't help but say yes.

"Of course Jef. Also..."

"Call me GoodBoyHalo."


Thanks for reading this chapter! I don't have a lot to say this time but make sure to share this story. Let's see if we can make it as popular as my other story!

Anyways byeeee


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