𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 1 - 𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑛𝑔𝑒 𝑓𝑒𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠

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Gabriel felt the warmth of a little Sun ray on his face as he was lying in bed in the early morning.

He shifted under the covers trying to fall asleep again and return to his dream.

It was a very strange dream but it was also interesting.

He a super villain called Hawkmoth who was fighting against some masked people to get some sort of jewelry.

It wasn't a dream.

Or was it?

Gabriel sat up on his bed.

It was morning.

He had a strange feeling.

"Oh well, it will go away eventually" he shrugged.

The man got up and got ready for the day.

Once he was fully dressed he went downstairs to have his breakfast before work started.

"Hello father" Adrien greeted.

"Hello Adrien"

The boy came running towards him and gave him a big hug.

"I'm leaving for school, see you later!"

The boy walked out of the mansion humming happily.

Gabriel was a little confused about the whole situation, he didn't remember he was this close to his son.

He shrugged again and walked to his working place waiting for Nathalie to come.

After a while someone knocked at the door.

"Come in" he said.

A woman with black hair and black eyes entered the room with a smile.

"Good morning sir" she greeted him.

Gabriel stared at her in confusion.

"Where's Nathalie?" he asked.

The woman looked at him.

"I'm sorry sir but who's Nathalie?"

He tried to answer but he wasn't sure if he knew who the woman was.

"No one I guess" he answered her.

There was something strange that morning, first he thought he was a supervillain like in one of those superheroes movies and then he thought he knew a certain Nathalie.

And he didn't, right?

He decided not to think about it anymore and started working at his new projects.

Three hours later since it was lunch break Gabriel went eating something and then turned the TV on.

He couldn't believe his own eyes.

Emilie, his wife, was at some TV interview talking about her newest movies.

"I have to thank my husband Gabriel he's always so supportive and he creates such wonderful clothes for my roles"

Gabriel was confused, Emilie was dead, how could she have been there talking about her works?

But then it came the realisation that maybe it was all normal, it was another normal day and she was alive.

The day passed slowly.

It was finally evening.

Gabriel looked at a car stopping near the entrance of the mansion and a blonde woman walking out of it.

He smiled and ran out to greet her.

"Hello love!" the man greeted.

"Hey Gabriel!" the woman smiled.

They hugged and kissed.

Gabriel felt really happy, it was like he had missed her touch for a long long time.

"Hey are you ok?" Emilie asked looking at him.

"Yes, why are you asking that?" he felt a little tear rolling down his cheek.

"Are you crying?"

"No, I missed you" he quickly said wiping it away.

"I left this morning for work as always" she giggled.

"Yeah, I know"

Emilie was a bit worried about her husband's strange attitude.

"Are you sure you are ok? You look strange"

"I'm ok, let's go inside"

The two walked in and the evening passed as well as the day.

After they had dinner with Adrien as a really happy family, the boy insisted on watching TV before bedtime and so they did.

As the movie went on Gabriel was starting to calm himself down, that was a day like the others, just a normal day.

After the movie ended Emilie and Adrien went to sleep leaving Gabriel alone in front of the TV.

The man wasn't sleepy yet and started zapping from channel to channel searching for something interesting to watch.

He kept doing that until a particular programme caught his eye.

It was a documentary about nature and exotic places it was beautiful and well done but what really caught the man's interest was the person who was presenting it.

A beautiful woman with black hair and blue eyes, she was wearing glasses and was talking with a voice Gabriel was sure he knew well.

"This is a sloth, it's a very slow animal as you can see from this video"

That voice wasn't new to him.

He kept watching the programme as the woman showed videos of different animals, the sloth, a gator, a giraffe, a tiger.

"Next time the famous adventurer Nathalie Sancoeur will leave for India to show us the incredible animals of the jungle, don't forget to turn the TV on"

The programme ended as Gabriel was deep in thoughts.

Nathalie Sancoeur, why wasn't that name new to him?

He was sure he didn't know her.

He looked at the clock, 1:00 A.M he should have gone to sleep.

He got up and walked into his room being careful not to wake his wife up and laid down next to her sleeping figure.

Gabriel closed his eyes trying to sleep but Nathalie didn't seem to leave his mind.

Could have been some distant relative?


Could have been one of his co-workers?

He didn't remember her.

One thing was sure, he had to talk to her.

All right, all right I guess I'm going to meet her.

He had to know why that woman was so familiar to him.

Hello everyone, it has been a while!

I'm not really on wattpad at the moment because of things so I'm not very active but I had this story in my drafts and since someone asked me to publish it here it is!

I'm not sure if it's good or when I'm going to update it but I will do my best to keep it going.

Thank you for reading and appreciating my books!

𝑅𝑒𝑤𝑖𝑛𝑑 (𝐺𝑎𝑏𝑒𝑛𝑎𝑡ℎ)Where stories live. Discover now