𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 5 - 𝑎𝑚𝑎𝑧𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑁𝑎𝑡ℎ𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑒

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As the embarrassment due to the single bedroom was overcame Gabriel and Nathalie ended up sleeping well all night in their own bed under a pile of comfort blankets.

"Good morning" Nathalie yawned.

The man sat on his bed still a bit sleepy.

"Good morning" he answered.

Nathalie was already all dressed and was brushing her hair.

It was the first time Gabriel saw her without her bun.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Gabriel went out of his trance and shook his head.

"I wasn't looking at you"

Nathalie quickly finished her bun and took her things.

"Dress up quickly or we will leave you here" she yelled as she ran out.

The man got up and got dressed as quick as he could, he didn't want to miss that expedition.

One hour later they were walking through the ice and snow followed by Nathalie's crew.

"Ok, this is a good place to start filming" the woman nodded and the cameraman started recording.

"Hey everyone, this is Nathalie Sancoeur your most adventurous adventurer, here at the North Pole"

As the woman talked explaining what she was about to do, Gabriel's eyes were settled on her.

She was so beautiful and brave.

No, he was married.

But was he really married?

Yes, obviously.

Emilie was his wife.

There was something wrong with that.

"Now I want to introduce someone you must know very well, Gabriel Agreste the fashion designer here just for you"

Gabriel blinked as he had just been woken up from a dream.

Nathalie was smiling at him.

The man moved in front of the camera.

"Uhm, hey everyone" he muttered.

Nathalie placed her arm around his shoulders to have him closer to her as she kept talking about the people, the animals, the weather and the northern lights.

Gabriel kept smiling awkwardly at the camera until she finally let him go.

"Now I want you to look at this glacier because I'm going to climb it"

Gabriel frowned.

Was she really going to do that?

"But remember don't try this at home"

People had glaciers at home?

And with that she turned around and started climbing the glacier with such ability and strength he didn't knew a human could have.

Nathalie was amazing.

When she arrived at the top the cameraman stopped recording and walked towards her taking an easier way than climbing.

Gabriel decided to follow him.

"I thought you wanted to experience everything, you could have climbed it as well" Nathalie joked.

"I'm not used to this things" Gabriel said.

Nathalie smirked.

"You are going to love this Gabe"

"I'm going to love what?"

Nathalie pointed out a huge polar bear chilling in the snow a few meters from them.

Gabriel jumped in fear.

Was she going to feed them all to the bears or what?

"Don't worry Gabe, he's my friend"

As soon as the woman called the bear the animal started running towards them.

Gabriel closed his eyes but instead of being attacked by the animal, he heard Nathalie's laugh.

He opened his eyes to see the huge bear licking the woman's face as she stroke his white fur.

The cameraman started recording.

"This is Duusu" she said.

That name wasn't new to Gabriel.

"Normally those animals would be dangerous for humans but not this sweet boy, I found him as a cub in one of my expeditions, his mother wasn't around, I personally took care of him and I raised him giving him all of my affection"

Gabriel smiled, she had a good heart.

"Come on Gabe give him a pat"

Gabriel's smile turned into a frown.

"No, I don't think I can"

Nathalie walked towards him and took his hand.

"I want you to pet him" she smiled.

She gently put his hand on Duusu's head.

Seeing that there wasn't any danger the man kept petting the bear.

Duusu looked happy and licked his hand.

"Duusu likes you very much" Nathalie smiled.

Gabriel smiled.

"It seems so"

The woman kept talking and talking about Duusu's story, when she found him, when she fed him, when she played with him, his first bath, first hunt and as when she finally released him in the wild.

"I still bring him some food when I come here" Nathalie said.

Gabriel kept listening to everything that amazing woman was saying.

After filming that bit they left Duusu, Nathalie greeted him with a kiss on the head and they walked towards the iced sea.

The woman explained how she was used to travel the iced seas using a canoa explaining the risks and talking about the local animals.

Gabriel wasn't so pleased sitting on a canoa and staring at the iced water but Nathalie seemed confident so he just followed her.

His admiration for her kept growing.

Everything she did reminded him something else, her voice was more and more familiar like the gentle eyes she had for him.

Something was familiar, too familiar.

Nathalie turned around and smiled softly at him.

"Are you ok?"

That smile.


It was her.

Nathalie Sancoeur.

His assistant.

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