《 Chapter 1 》

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Kieran Reviraz knew his time was running out.

After all, anyone would have considered it to be suicidal to go against one of the biggest Skill organizations in the world.

But here he was, locked in a deadly battle he had fought for ten years, along with a small group of people who were determined to fight against the organization that had ruled over the people with special abilities. He had sworn to himself that he would never stop until he killed every one of them.

Either that or he would die trying.

And now, he was facing three of the most dangerous Skill users in the Sun organization in a fight to the death.

Of course, their leader wasn't present. Micah Lorzowski would never want to get his hands dirty unless the situation was important. If he thought that his subordinates would be enough to take care of him after all this time, Kieran was determined to prove him wrong.

Parrying a sword strike with his dagger, Kieran stabbed at Dominic Calyn, the second-in-command of the Sun organization.

Dominic's Skill was an attack-based ability that allowed him to transform and shape any part of his body into solid steel— an ability that granted him the power to modify his limbs into any weapon of his choosing. And while most people chose to keep their Skills a secret for the fear of being killed, Dominic was the opposite. His high position in the Sun Organization made it so that no one dared to challenge him to a fight.

Well, at least, until now.

Kieran smirked and pushed forwards, dodging another strike and slashing at him with his dagger. As expected, his attack was blocked, but Kieran immediately used his second dagger to slip past his guard and slashed at his arm before Dominic had time to react. Blood gushed out the open wound as he hissed in pain, his glowing green eyes flashing with the intent to kill.

With a new burst of strength, Kieran moved at an inhuman speed, slipping behind the unsuspecting man. But before he could strike, he felt another surge of killing intent coming from behind him and reflexively blocked, his daggers clashing against the blade that was aiming straight for his neck.

He stabbed at his attacker, but Tiffany Kross had already teleported away using her Skill, her eyes flashing a bright magenta. Without skipping a beat, he whirled around to block a strike from Dominic, exchanging a few blows with him before leaping back, dodging yet another sneak attack as Tiffany attempted to catch him off guard.

In the next second, he felt the air around him freeze, and he immediately dodged as an ice dagger flew by his head. He didn't even spare a glance at Casen Henrik before he continued to fight with Dominic, smiling in satisfaction when he felt the temperature around him drop even lower as another surge of killing intent locked onto him.

He knew the fight would only become more intense as time went on, and felt the familiar thrill of combat increase within him as the trio doubled their efforts to take him down. His senses sharpened dramatically, and his golden eyes shone even brighter.

There was a good possibility that he would die today, but Kieran wasn't afraid. Instead, a wicked excitement crept down his spine, urging him to fight even harder. He wanted to push himself to his limits, wanted to test how powerful his Skill could become.

Ducking low, he dodged a slash from Dominic and stabbed upwards with his dagger, aiming for his leg. As it connected, he heard the clang of metal against metal as Dominic transformed his body in the last second, successfully blocking the attack. Clicking his tongue with displeasure, Kieran immediately followed up with a kick to the other's head. On the front of his combat boot, a knife flicked out with a quiet whoosh.

But before he could make contact, the knife was intercepted by a flying ice dagger, forcing him to fall back to regain his footing.

Kieran instinctively swung his dagger just as Tiffany teleported behind him, catching her off guard and injuring her shoulder. He flipped backwards, evading another ice dagger, and exchanged a few more blows with Dominic. With his Skill, he was instantly able to spot his weak points and used it to slip past his guard, aiming for his neck.

And he would have killed him too, if he didn't have to block yet another ice dagger from Casen who was hidden in the shadows. As Dominic retreated with his neck dripping blood, Kieran decided that it was best to finish off Casen first in order to get rid of his annoying attacks. Although that was the ideal solution, he also knew that if he wanted to go through with his plan, he would have to take care of Dominic and Tiffany first.

How annoying.

"Ah, Dominic, it seems like you've lost your touch. Have you gotten too comfortable taking advantage of weaker Skill users that you've lost the ability to fight properly?" Kieran mocked.

"How dare you speak to me like that, you lowly piece of shit!" Waves of murderous intent exploded from Dominic as he rushed up at him with fury in his eyes.

Kieran suppressed his urge to grin. Dominic was just too easy to rile up.

He felt a presence appear towards his left and used his dagger to block Tiffany's attack. He countered, but wasn't able to get a strike in as her eyes shone magenta and she teleported away.

Kieran whirled back around to block Dominic, but before he could counterattack, he had to use his daggers to block the two ice daggers Casen sent his way.

Seizing the time where Kieran was distracted, Dominic slashed at him with his sword, but was too slow because of his injuries. Kieran ducked and used his dagger to slice his leg, drawing blood. He didn't stop though, and as Dominic stumbled back, Kieran shot forwards like an arrow and aimed his dagger at his heart.

Seeing that his teammate was in trouble, Casen immediately started to throw his ice daggers while Tiffany teleported behind Kieran and attacked. With their combined efforts, they had managed to distract Kieran long enough for Dominic to retreat out of his reach.

Kieran was beyond annoyed.

It was truly troublesome when the three of them worked together.

He observed Dominic who was a safe distance away. He quickly scanned his surroundings, but Tiffany had disappeared, and he wasn't able to spot Casen either.

His eyes narrowed. They had something up their sleeves.

Far away, a flute started to play.

Suddenly, the earth began to shake and vines appeared from the ground. They grew at the same pace as the flute melody, and Kieran instantly became alert.

They have an Artifact?

Kieran gave a wicked grin and opened his mouth.

"Oh? I never knew the Sun Organization could be so pathetic. Teaming up to fight a single person already shows how weak you guys are. But bringing an Artifact? Are you guys so incompetent that you have to rely on external forces in order to beat me?"

Dominic's eyes flashed with anger and the killing intent around him flared dramatically.

"You arrogant bastard," he snarled. "Let's see how long you last before we kill you and take away your Skill."

Kieran smiled mockingly, feeling oddly confident despite the danger around him.

Things were finally starting to get interesting.


Author's note:

Hello everyone, and welcome to my first Wattpad story! So I've noticed that there aren't many LGBTQ+ fantasy stories on this website, so I decided, why not try to make my own. Since this is my first attempt at writing a book, please give me any feedback or opinions so I can work to improve my writing!

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