《 Chapter 11 》

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Kieran didn't know how long he had stayed up there, but as chill of the cold air seeped through his clothes and lingered against his skin, he decided that it was time to go back. Rolling his shoulders, he gave one last look at the city below him before slowly making his way back to the hidden base.

The moment Kieran returned to the living room, he was greeted by voices yelling as a burnt scent drifted from the kitchen.

"Val, you're burning the food! I told you not to leave it on the stove for so long!" a distressed voice sounded from inside.

"That was only because you were distracting me, Ari!" came the frantic reply.

"But I didn't do anything to distract you!" Aria protested. "I was only chopping the vegetables. Wasn't Mattias doing the same thing?"

"It's distracting when you're the one doing it!"

"How does that even make sense?"

"Enough, you two," a new voice interrupted. "If this goes on, we won't even have anything left to eat. Val, stop bothering Ari and go back to work."

"But I am working!"

"Stop trying to deny it," Mattias stated. "While Ari and I were doing all the work, you were too busy spending your time staring at a certain someone."

"I was only admiring her knifework!" Valerie said defensively.

"Sure you were." Mattias gave her an unimpressed stare.

A sigh was heard in the kitchen as the falling of cutlery sounded from the room. "You're causing too much trouble. From this point on, you're not allowed in the kitchen."

"You can't do that!" Valerie argued.

"Watch me."

In the next second, Valerie was promptly kicked out.

Kieran grinned at her. "Is this the sixth time you've been banned from the kitchen?"

She scowled, pointing a warning finger at him. "Don't you dare say anything else."

Hearing the sound of footsteps approaching, Kieran glanced behind her to see Mattias appearing shortly after, carrying plates and silverware. "Great timing, Kieran, you can help set the table." He proceeded to distribute the silverware evenly between the two and gave Valerie a sideways glance. "Try not to drop the plates."

"Yes, mother," Valerie muttered under her breath.

"How many times do I have to tell you," Mattias gritted out. "Don't call me that."

"What are you gonna do about it, Mattie? Wanna fight?" Valerie quirked up her lips in challenge.

"Sure, if you don't mind losing." Electricity seemed to cackle in the air as Mattias took a step forward, flexing his fingers as Valerie set her pile of silverware aside.

"If you're going to fight, do it outside," Kieran drawled, annoyed at the two's antics. "I'm sick of always having to clean up the mess inside the house."

"Gotcha. Let's go, Mattie, I've been itching for a fight these past few days." Tilting her head, Valerie beckoned him outside, cracking her knuckles.

"Oh my god, Kieran, stop encouraging them! And Val, please calm down," Aria interrupted, coming out of the kitchen. "Weren't we just in the middle of cooking a while ago? If you fight now, the food's going to get cold."

"Fine," Valerie dragged out, pouting in disappointment. "But don't think I'm letting you off so easily."

She directed her attention back to the plates, bringing them out to the table as Mattias returned to the kitchen, rubbing his temples in an exasperated manner.

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