《 Chapter 9 》

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When Kieran entered the living room, he saw two people huddled over several rows of dead flower pots, trying their best to salvage the wilted plants. Hearing him enter, they immediately stopped what they were doing as their eyes locked onto him, relief washing over their features.

"You're awake!" A cheerful voice sounded as a girl ran over and hugged him, her black curls bouncing wildly behind her. He could see light freckles scattered across her face as Aria Legari looked up at him with her heterochromatic eyes.

She grabbed his wrist, her brown and green eye emitting a pale yellow light as she sent a warm healing power through his body.

"Are you feeling better?" she asked, her face scrunching up in worry.

"I am," Kieran responded, sheepishly rubbing at the back of his neck. "Thanks for saving my ass again, Ari. I don't know what I'll do without you."

It was true. This time, his near brush with death had been too close to comfort. He could still feel the wisps of black smoke around him, dragging him into the darkness, could still feel the cold, hard ground against his back as he laid there, helpless as he struggled desperately to stay awake.

It was a feeling that he never wanted to experience ever again.

And now, with the Sun Organization drawing closer than ever, a feeling of urgency descended upon him. His fight with Dominic had been unforeseen. He was supposed have been long gone before they even noticed him, retreating into their secret hideout without a trace. But instead, the organization had caught up to him, forcing him to change paths to avoid giving away the location of the base, resulting in a fight that had almost led to his death.

But it wasn't all for nothing.

He had completed his original objective. And now, with the discovery of bronze key, he had something more.

"And I'm sorry about the flowers," he continued, wincing as he noticed the condition of the wilted plants. "I know you've put a lot of effort in taking care of them."

"It's fine, Kieran. They'll grow back eventually," Aria assured him, smiling gently. "Your life is much more important."

Feeling a squeeze on his shoulder, Kieran snapped out of his daze and followed the dark-skinned hand to its owner. Mattias Zaidon ran a hand through his short cropped hair, his deep brown eyes full of exasperation.

"You should have let me stay back with you," Mattias chided. "Why do you always insist on doing things alone?"

"I'm fine, Mattias. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself," Kieran defended. "I came back alive, didn't I?"

"Barely. Who knows what could have happened if Ari didn't heal you in time?" he retorted, crossing his arms.

"Cut him some slack, Mattias," Valerie defended. "No one could've known that this would happen."

"That's all the more reason to stay on guard," Mattias argued. "We need to prevent this kind of incident from ever happening again."

"And we will," Kieran assured him. "We got the thing we were looking for. We're now one step closer to taking down the Sun Organization for good."

Running his hand along the seam of his shirt, Kieran felt for the small, narrow gap that indicated its modified compartment. Reaching inside, he retrieved a small, airtight bag containing a narrow USB drive.

The reason why he went through so much shit in the first place.

"Fine," Mattias relented upon seeing the small object. "I'll let you off this time. But first, why don't you tell us what happened in the three days you were gone?"

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