《 Chapter 18 》

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Staring at them with a bloodthirsty gaze, the demon lunged forwards, its claws extending out towards them.

Raising her sword, Valerie managed to intercept the blow, but the sheer force of it caused her to stagger back a few steps. She gritted her teeth and pushed forward, not daring to dodge.

If she did, she would endanger the love of her life behind her.

The demon opened its mouth and snapped its jaws, its razor sharp teeth inches away from her face. A flash of blue swept past her, pushing the demon back as it staggered, electrified.

Using the opportunity Mattias had given her, she immediately swung her sword in an upward motion. The blade slashed across the chest of the demon as a thin line of black blood oozed out.

Throwing up its head, it prepared to open its mouth, before it could let out a sound, Valerie drove her sword up its jaw in one smooth motion. The sword went all the way through its skull, stabbing through where she supposed its brain was.

If it alerts the guards, they were as good as dead.

Pulling out her sword, she waited for the demon to drop to the ground, but instead, it lunged at her again like nothing ever happened. Caught off guard, she felt a burning pain as the demon slashed her abdomen, its claws digging deep into her flesh.

But the pain only lasted a moment before a warm energy enveloped her. The demon staggered, weakened, and she grinned, sparing a quick glance at Aria returned with an encouraging smile.

Saving her ass, once again.

Valerie couldn't help the endearing smile that appeared on her face.

How she loved this girl.

Swinging her sword, she slashed the demon's arm clean off. But just as she was about to attack again, the demon used its remaining arm to swipe her aside. The force of the blow caused her to crash into the wall, black spots dancing in her vision.

Dizzy, she struggled to stand up and could only watch in pure horror as the demon dodged Mattias' attacks and barreled straight towards Aria.

She felt her heart drop.


She saw Aria reach up to her hair, quickly pulling out a long needle-like hairpin. She ducked low, dodging the demon's incoming claw, and slashed a deep cut across its achilles tendon.

The demon crumpled down to one knee, letting out a blood curdling screech. The sound bounced off the walls of the narrow alley, echoing into the silent night.

Limping, it turned to attack them, only to be attacked from behind by a powerful— non electric— blast.

Valerie cursed under her breath.

The guards were here.


On the highest floor of a skyscraper, a man stood facing the window, his emerald green eyes gazing coldly at the city below. Moonlight shone onto his silky blonde hair, basking him in a dazzling white light as he leisurely sipped on a glass of wine.

A woman with long white hair stood behind him to his left, giving off a cold and unapproachable air. Despite being in her early forties— only six years younger than the man— she still retained a youthful appearance, standing with her back straight and gaze steady as her manicured nails rested comfortably against the electronic tablet held in her hands.

"Reporting, sir," the woman spoke, her voice as cold as her appearance. "It was recently discovered that the culprits behind the attacks on the City of Light may not be human. There have been reports of demon-like creatures rampaging across the city as soon as night falls, feasting on humans regardless of whether they possess a Skill."

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