《 Chapter 10 》

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"You know where it is?" Kieran asked in disbelief.

The Reality Writer, capable of making one's greatest dreams come true. He needed that Artifact, needed it desperately for his revenge.

"I do," Daemon affirmed.


"I'll tell you once you have fulfilled your part of the deal," the other answered, crossing his arms.

"Then what are you waiting for?" Kieran asked. "Tell me the location of the second item."

"The timing isn't right." Daemon frowned, pursing his lips and his eyebrows furrowed in deep thought. "Too many things have changed since I was gone. There's something I need to confirm."

"What on earth can be more important than the most powerful Artifact in the world?" Kieran demanded. The possibility of revenge had never seemed so close, beckoning to him with the sweet promise of vengeance. He could already imagine all the opportunities the Reality Writer could give him, all the ways to bring the Sun Organization to his feet.

If he could just get his hands on it...

Ignoring his words, the other stood up, handing him a slip of paper. On it was a single pair of coordinates, written in a messy scrawl. Kieran squinted.

Was this shit even legible?

"I'll be taking my leave first. Get some rest tonight and leave for the location of the coordinates tomorrow. I'll find you again the time is due."

"When the time is due? What kind of bullshit is that?" Shooting to his feet, Kieran immediately moved to block the other's way. "You're not leaving until you give us a clear explanation."

"Curb your greed and maybe I will," Daemon retaliated, disdain flashing across his face. "And don't tell me what to do."

Sensing a conflict brewing, Mattias hurried to step in between them, shooting Kieran a warning glance. "Let's talk this out civilly. Fighting will only escalate the situation." Shifting his gaze to Daemon, he continued, "At least tell us why we can't go to the location of the coordinates right away."

"This world is a lot more different than it had been in the past," Daemon supplied. "I need to see with my own eyes what the location of the Reality Writer has become before planning my next move."

"Then why can't we come along with you?" Valerie questioned. "From what you've said earlier, we should know the place a lot better than you do."

"No need." With that, he brushed off the non existent dirt from his pants and strode out of the door before anyone could react.

"Wait—" Unsatisfied, Kieran made a beeline for the door, intending to follow after him, but it was too late.

Daemon was gone.

Seriously? Was he really not going to give them any more information?

Frustrated, Kieran walked back and plopped heavily on the couch, running a hand through his hair.

The way he parted felt too unnatural. Something was off.

Did it have something to do with their deal? Was Daemon's item so important that he was willing to disclose the existence of such a game-changing Artifact? Was there a catch? There had to be.

He was missing something. Something important.

It was so frustrating, knowing that he could be playing right into Daemon's hands.

"I swear I'm going to beat him up the next time I see him," he muttered, rubbing his temples.

"I'll join you," Valerie seconded. "And I also nominate Mattias to help as well."

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