《 Chapter 15 》

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Peeking through a gap in the bush, Kieran quietly observed the guards, looking for a gap in their defense.

But as time went on, he realized that instead of scanning the area for outside dangers, the guards had spent most of their time observing the situation... inside the City of Light?

Just what the fuck was going on?

Before he could think any more of it, he was interrupted by the faint engine of a car in the distance.

Kieran's eyes flashed.

This could be his chance.

Retracing his steps, Kieran crept along to where the group had ditched the car and saw that a pickup truck had parked beside it. A group of four men had exited the vehicle, observing the ditched car while conversing about something he couldn't make out. After a while, they seemed to come to some sort of consensus as they began scanning the area around the parked vehicle.

Kieran faintly recognized one of the men as one of the people he had encountered in the Shadow.

So they've come to report the incident to the Sun Organization after all.

And maybe chase them down too, while they were at it.

As he watched, the four men began to spread out, moving in opposite directions as they broadened their search. Checking his position, Kieran made sure that he was properly hidden before turning his attention to the pickup truck.

Or more importantly, the bottom of it.

Making his preparations, Kieran used his daggers to cut out two pieces of fabric from his shirt. Picking up a rock from the ground, Kieran took aim and threw it at the far left of the pickup truck. The stone hit the ground with a clatter, and the four people immediately stopped in their tracks, exchanging glances as they followed the direction of the noise, investigating the cause of the disturbance.

Using the side of the pickup truck for cover, Kieran quietly crossed the distance and promptly rolled under the vehicle. Wrapping the pieces of his shirt around the metal to make sure he doesn't slip, Kieran hoisted himself up, pressing his feet against the metal compartments.

Now, with the darkness of the night acting as a cover, he just had to wait.

Hearing footsteps approaching the car, Kieran held his breath, not daring to make a sound as the men's voices travelled to his ears.

"Find anything?"

"No, boss. They're probably long gone by now."

"Then get in the car, boys. Let's go report this to the Sun Organization," the boss ordered. "Who knows, maybe they'll even give us a reward."

The car shook as the the men boarded the pickup truck. The doors slammed shut, creating even more movement as Kieran struggled to keep a good grasp on the underside of the car, muttering curses in his head.

Adjusting his grip, Kieran held his breath as the engine roared to life, trying his best not to breathe in the exhaust fumes. He felt his arms start to burn from the effort as the car drove down the road, and hoping to get this over with as soon as possible.

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