《 Chapter 13 》

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They swiftly exited the scene, ignoring the hushed whispers around them. They had caused too much of a commotion, and Kieran knew that someone was bound to report this incident to the higher ups that ran this place.

And those higher ups could very well have connections to the Sun Organization.

"I'm sorry," Aria said dejectedly. "If I hadn't insisted on helping that boy, none of this would have happened."

"You were only trying to help," Valerie tried to console her.

"But still," she looked down, fidgeting with her sleeves. "I acted too rashly and put you guys in danger."

"Just don't do it again next time," Mattias told her. "We can't afford to draw any more attention."

"Okay," she nodded, taking a deep breath.

As they walked, the people around them parted to make way, making sure to steer clear of their path.

At least they wouldn't have to worry about any more people messing with them.

They continued for what seemed like forever, only deciding to rest when the sun began to set, stopping at a small restaurant for a short dinner. The doors opened with a small chime, and Kieran swept his gaze over the room, observing their surroundings.

There were six tables present, with four of them occupied. On the back left corner sat a group of six people, drinking while chatting in an obnoxiously loud tone. In the opposite corner, a hooded figure sat alone, quietly eating while reading the local newspaper. Towards the middle of the room was a rowdy family of four, and beside them sat a couple enjoying their date.

The waitress led them to a table near the windows, and they settled down, looking through the menu. They ordered their dishes, and soon, the food arrived, carrying a savory aroma.

As they ate, Kieran couldn't help but notice that as night began to draw closer, the atmosphere of the room gradually began to tense. The group of six people began to whisper, occasionally glancing at the windows, saying things that Kieran couldn't make out as the family urged their children to quickly finish their meals.

"Excuse me." The waitress from earlier came up to their table with an apologetic smile. "Because of an incident that had occurred yesterday, our restaurant will be closing early. I'm very sorry for the inconvenience."

"What incident?" Kieran questioned, instantly on edge.

"An attack happened yesterday night," the waitress explained. "Three people were killed. Judging by the claw marks found on the site, it is speculated that it was caused by some sort of large animal. For safety reasons, the staff will be closing the restaurant early today."

Kieran gave a short nod and the waitress left, informing the other tables about the matter.

"What do you think that was about?" He asked.

"I don't know, but it's best that we stay alert," Mattias replied. "Let's hurry up and finish eating."

They were only halfway through their meal when the door suddenly chimed and a figure walked in, followed by more than a dozen men. Kieran frowned as he recognized the gang leader they had beaten up before. The gang leader looked down at them and sneered, bringing his hand towards his hip. His coat was brushed to the side, revealing a sleek revolver.

"You four," he announced, putting up a grand front, "come with us."

"And what if we don't want to?" Valerie asked in provocation, crossing her arms as she leaned back onto her chair.

The man narrowed his eyes. "Then don't blame us for being rough." He made a gesture to his subordinates and they all rushed forward.

The restaurant filled instantly with chaos as the family of four immediately bolted towards the exit, only to be stopped by the men blocking the door. The couple hid under the table, panicked and disoriented while the six people scrambled over each other, trying to escape through the window. Drinks were spilled onto the tablecloth as dishes and silverware clattered to the floor, spilling food on the ground as chairs were knocked over during their frenzy.

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