《 Chapter 5 》

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He explored the cave for what seemed like forever, walking through the passageways that seemed to stretch on endlessly.

It was like a labyrinth, full of intricate pathways and forks in the road that often turned out to be dead ends. With one look, Kieran was able to determine that it definitely wasn't a natural cave, and that it was most likely built to keep something hidden.

He had a feeling that whatever was at the end of the maze was something big.

Trailing his hand along cavern wall, he felt the uneven ridges bump against his fingertips. Its surface was rough and jagged, carrying with it an unsettling aura that spread throughout the narrow passage. The scent of death lingered between the cracks of stone, damp and unpleasant, and occasionally, the soles of his combat boots splashed against some unknown fluid.

And yet, after wandering around for so long, he hadn't encountered any sort of trap. Although it made things easier for Kieran, he couldn't afford to let his guard down.

As he trudged around a corner and memorized another part of the layout, he saw black spots appear at the edges of his vision. A wave of dizziness washed over him, and he leaned heavily against the wall, trying to find his bearings.

The injury on his shoulder had gotten even worse, and he knew that if this continued on, he would die from the infection before he would run into any potential creatures lurking inside this damned place.

But he couldn't die here. Not after everything he's been through. Not when Micah Lorzowski was still alive, using the Sun organization to reign terror upon the people gifted with Skills.

He had to pay for everything he had done.

The desire for revenge ignited in his veins, and Kieran forced himself to continue; to take another step forward, little by little. He had to make it out alive. He had to.

Another wave of dizziness came over him and he forced himself to push through it, even though every cell in his body screamed with pain and fatigue. There had to be something hidden in this cave. Now, his only hope was to find it and hope that it would lead to a way out.

He squinted ahead, and in the distance, he thought he could make out some kind of door. Hope swelled in his chest.

Was it an exit?

He stumbled forwards, leaning against the wall as black spots danced in his vision. As he got closer, he was able to see the door more clearly. It was a double door, engraved with ancient runes that Kieran didn't recognize. He could faintly sense something powerful behind it, something that seemed to be calling out to him.

He was just about to push on the door when it suddenly opened on its own.


A familiar black mist creeped out and Kieran's eyes widened. It was the same mist that had appeared from the crack. The mist moved leisurely towards him, curling around his ankles, as if beckoning him forwards. He felt the coldness again, the same chilling feeling that he had felt the first time he had fallen in.

The mist moved up his body, wrapping around his torso and arms and lifting him up into the air. He tried to shake it off but the mist easily slipped between his fingers. His limbs felt heavy.

It carried him inside as the doors slammed shut with a loud creak, leaving him in complete darkness.

But it didn't stop there. The mist continued to carry him deeper into the darkness, and that was when he heard the screams again.



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