《 Chapter 7 》

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"There are two items that I want you to acquire," the man stated, "If you give them to me, I will help you get out of this place."

"Straight to the point, huh? Then I guess I should do the same. Since it's clear that you've been here much longer than me, why can't you get the items yourself?" Kieran countered, narrowing his eyes.

Of course he would be suspicious. After fighting him, he knew how powerful the man was. If there was an item that he couldn't get, what was stopping him?

He also didn't miss the fact that the object was an item and not an Artifact.

"There have been... certain restrictions placed on me to prevent me from obtaining the item myself."

How vague.

"Care to elaborate?"

"It's a personal matter, so I'm afraid I cannot tell you." The man smiled in mock pity. "Quite unfortunate, really."

"If you're not going to tell me what I'm getting myself into, why should I help you?" Kieran asked suspiciously, pressing his dagger harder across the other's neck for the extra effect.

"Don't get too ahead of yourself," the man warned, wrapping a hand around Kieran's wrist. His rough palm brought forth a dangerous chill. "Don't you want to get out of this place?"

"I can find the exit myself," Kieran retorted.

"You can try, but you won't be able to fend off the horde of demons chasing you at every step," the man stated it like a fact. "We both know you only stumbled here through pure luck."

"And you're telling me that you could fight all those demons?" Kieran asked, giving him a deadpan look. With their giant mass in number, even the most skilled fighter would get overwhelmed.

"Of course."


"How can you say that so confidently when you can't even kill a single person?" Kieran challenged, raising an eyebrow.

The man's eyebrow twitched. "Please, you're only alive because of your Skill and those petty little tricks."

"Of course I would use everything in my disposal for combat. What did you expect me to do, fight like an idiot and wait for my death?"

The man scowled. "Either way, you won't be able to leave this place without me. Try as you might but you will never find the way out."

Well isn't that fucking great.

"Admit it," the man drawled, a calculating glint in his eyes. He took a step forward, his gaze locking Kieran into place, carefully gauging his reaction. "You have to accept my deal, whether you like it or not."

Kieran's instincts screamed at him, his fight or flight response activating as he sensed the unmistakable danger surrounding the other. But still, he refused to back away, refused to show any weakness, and instead matched his step, taking on the silent challenge.

"I'll accept your deal if you tell me where the bronze key goes as well."

"Oh? Bargaining, aren't we?" the man chuckled in a low, husky voice."How interesting."

He circled Kieran with an analyzing gaze, his eyes dripping with amusement. Following the man's movements, Kieran tightened the grip on his daggers, adrenaline coursing through his body as he braced himself for what's to come.

"Very well. I shall agree to your request." The voice sounded directly behind him, the warm breath brushing against his ear. "I hope you're happy with getting the shorter end of the stick."

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