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"Honestly Ron! Y/N is your best friend, how can you say such things about him? You've known him as long as I have."

Most people that are walking past turn their heads and see Hermione and Ron going back and forth outside the Great Hall.

"He's a cheat Hermione!" Ron barks as he has been trying to get Hermione to see where he is coming from.

"No he's not." Hermione says bitterly. "How come you don't seem to mind that your brothers tried to enter? Why aren't you mad at them? And we both know you would have tried if you thought you could have gotten past the age line."

"That's different!" Ron argues.

"Really, how so?"

"They never actually entered."

"They tried."

"So what..." Ron begins to sigh. "What is it with you and Harry, Hermione? I know you two smarter are than that, I know both of you don't believe him either. So why... why are you taking his side? Why are you acting this way?"

Ron's voice is hard and angry, but almost pleasing at the same time. There is no doubt he believes everything he said. He is convinced that not only is Y/N lying, but that Hermione and Harry are as well.

Hermione steps forward, and now only inches from Ron's face, she answers him in a low dangerous voice. "You're right Ron, I am smart... smart enough to know that Y/N is telling the truth, and that's why I'm taking his side."

Ron just glares back, going on a full tangent in his head, nothing but an immature spill on how much of a liar Y/N is.

"Whatever! She always picked sides between us two and it was always Y/N's!" Ron seethes to himself. "Can't she see Y/N wanted this! Y/N is the son of the Rich One and now can add "Triwizard Champion" to his name. But it shouldn't be a Triwizard Tournament champion, he should just be named nothing but a bloody liar!"

Before Ron can reply out loud, Hermione continues. "And, as to how I'm acting? It's called friendship. Something you seem to have forgotten."

Hermione steps back and turns, and starts to walk away. After a couple of steps, she stops and looks over her shoulder. "Apparently you don't know either one of us as well as you think."

Ron starts to feel a twinge if something in his stomach, not so much for Y/N, but for Hermione.

"Hermione, wait!" He calls out, causing her to stop dead in her tracks and after a heavy huff of breath, she turns around with a glare.


Remembering he had some insight on what to expect for later, he forms a strained smile on his lips, hoping this will put him back in Granger's favor. "Can you tell Y/N that Hagrid wants to see him?"

Hermione stares at Ron in disbelief. He wants her to deliver a message to Y/N like she's some owl.

"Unbelievable." She grumbles as turns around to seek out her best friend, Ron timidly following behind her.

The Wizard Who Could (Male Reader X Hermione Granger)Where stories live. Discover now