Arriving in...Style?

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"These damn mortal have no standards when it comes to maintenance."

In the dark, cold night surrounding the Burrow,  a shadowy figure trouts along the garden of the Weasley household. If one was to try and see who it was, they would be unsuccessful.

Something very peculiar about the figure is that a train of ghosts silently follow them, like a magnet. They are formless aside from a expression of terror along a white,wispy head.

The figure mumbles to themselves as they quietly managed to get around the side of the home. With little effort, they slowly float off the ground before stopping at a window.

"What do we have here...." They whispers as the peer through the glass. It is dark inside the small room, but the figure can clearly Y/N and Hermione sitting together side by side on the bed, their backs leaning on the headboard.

The figure comes to watch as Y/N and Hermione read a book together, sharing a few laughs. Hermione even tries to tickle Y/N for the fun of it, but soon came to realize that he isn't ticklish.

The ghost-like person outside chuckles as the two Gryffindor students notice it's time for bed. They share a small hug before Hermione climbs into her own bed, leaving the two separate.

After a few minutes, Hermione, who is sleeping on her side, simply can't help but gaze at Y/N's sleeping form. She has a small smile upon her lips as she watches her best friend lightly snore.

"He looks so peaceful...I wonder what he's dreaming about...hopefully me..."

Hermione blushes to herself from her last thought. She can't possibly be thinking that way. They're only 12 years old for Merlin's sake.

Just when she's getting ready to close her eyes, Y/N stares muttering another language in his slumber. He starts shifting around in his bed as his face turns into a grimace, clearly in discomfort.

"Y/N?" Hermione whispers, but he does wake. This worries the girl as she quickly throws the covers off her and approaches his bedside. She softly shakes his shoulder, but he doesn't awaken from her touch.

"Y/N, wake up....please wake up." She begs quietly as he continues to mutter another language. He thrashes around his bed more and more, freaking Hermione out to the point where she holds him down.

"What do I do....? Maybe.....Maybe I should get his mum." She asks herself. But another idea pops in her head.

The figure floating outside the window notices the boy being held down by the brown haired girl. With a wave of their hand, a single ghost wisp past the figure and into the bedroom. It leaves behind a trail of white smoke, invisible to the human eye, and seeps into Y/N's temple.

Hermione, wanting to finally take charge and take care of her friend, slowly goes down and plants a soft kiss to his forehand. Combined with the ghost going into his head and the loving gesture of Hermione, Y/N goes into a more peaceful sleep with a gentle smile across his lips.

Hermione's mouth forms an o-shape as she was surprised at her straightforwardness, but a soft smile soon replaced the expression of shock. Dark, chocolate eyes settle on the now sleeping form of Y/N. With a soft touch of her slim digits, Hermione brushes the hair from Y/N's forehead.

"Sweet dreams, Y/N." Hermione whispers as she heads back to her guest bed.

"There you go..." The figure outside whispers with a smirk. They let out a small hiss sound as they back away from the window. Their form fades in with the starry night above as they watch Hermione climb back into her bed.

The Wizard Who Could (Male Reader X Hermione Granger)Where stories live. Discover now