i cannot be this way with you

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➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➶➴➵3rd person POV ➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➶➴➵

Y/N and Louis were very much not dating.

"God mate it's like you haven't been here in years" Harry sent Louis one of his dimpled smiles. Louis laughed and gave a small smile back.

"it's only been about 4 days harry" Harry chuckled and set the bags down on the counter.

"Maybe you're right, but hey! it's great to have you here"

As Louis and Harry were having a civil conversation there was another conversation going on upstairs that was rather the opposite of civil.

upstairs the Styles females were having an argument about whether or not Y/N would be going downstairs and seeing Louis, with occasional opinions from Sadie. But the only person Louis had come wanting to talk to was Harry.

Louis was sure Harry knew his daughter more than anyone in the world. They could relate to each other on many different things, from their favorite foods, to humor, to clothing style, to music. So Louis came to the Styles house wanting to speak to harry alone and only to Harry. But alas the universe had very different plans for him. He would get what he wanted just not in the way he thought.

"i don't want to go see him" Y/N walked over to her bed,sitting down on one of the edges. Then crossing both her arms over her stomach and sighing very loudly. Sadie and Kendall just turned to each other and gave the other a confused look.

"don't you wanna know why?"

"no" they both answered, they knew why, they weren't going to push her if she didn't want to talk to him. The opportunity was showing itself as she didn't want to take it. Her choose would only affect her.

"you don't have to  talk to him if  you don't want to Y/N" of course she knew that.

now...back downstairs in the kitchen.

Everything was going fine, Harry asked Louis about his acting career and what shows he would've liked to be on Louis answered with "maybe marvel, or DC, i want to play a superhero". Louis asked Harry what artist he wants to collaborate with in the future which Harry responded with " i don't really know, i heard Liam Payne, Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson, and Zayn Malik are amazing artist, i've never worked with them before!" which made Louis laugh.

Now was the time that Louis was dreading. He had helped Harry put all the groceries away, sit they were now sitting in the living room watching "FRIENDS" it was one of Harrys favorite shows, of course Louis knew that from all the times Y/N had mentioned how her and her dad would watch this show day after day, never getting bored. Joey had just undone a button on Phoebes shirt effortlessly when he asked the question.

"so you being here, does this mean you and Y/N are together now?"

Harry had asked the question, not him.

Louis was taken aback from this, him and y/n, together? what was this man thinking. Louis turned to look at Harry who was still far too interested in watching FRIENDS then look at Louis.

"No we're not, we're actually still not talking-"

This made Harry spit out his water, it was like one of those dramatic scenes in the movies. Harry turned to look at Louis with wide eyes. "you're nOt?" Louis shook his head and readjusted his position to look at Harry. Then shook his head again.

"That's actually why i'm here, i wanted to talk to you about...her" Harry rubbed his hands up and down his thighs before looking over to Louis and nodding his head. "yeah, yeah okay,  's alright"

Then the questions began.

"Hold on, If i may ask what happened between you and 'er?" Louis took a deep breath and licked his lips. "Well the other day when i was here we as in Nailea,Millie,Sadie,Chloe,Noah-" Harry was quick to cut him off, "yes i know who you mean by 'we' don't need to waste time saying names"

Louis nodded quickly and rubbed the sweat off his hands into his dark wash jeans. "Me and um, we uh" Louis seemed to get more nervous by the second. Telling a Multi-Millionaire that you slept in the same bed as his daughter wasn't the easiest to say. "just say it  's no bid deal" Louis nodded then cleared his throat. "we uh, m- we slept in the same bed together" Harrys eyes widened at this. This is definitely not what he was expecting Louis to say.

Harry seemed shaken up for what Louis just admitted. "oh- uh, okay- 's alright mate, as long as she was okay with it" Louis calmed down at what Harry said and straightened out his back. "Yes, yes she was okay with it" Harry and Louis nodded at each other and stared at the table in front of them. "And uh, the next day everything was going fine and right when i was about to leave we uh had like an argument" Harry nodded. again. At this point it was as if he was a talking bobble head.

"what exactly did you say to  'er"

"I don't understand you" I know i shouldn't have said that. It was dumb. But i just got so heated for no reason. "One second it seemed like we're friends and the next it's like you can't wait to get rid of me" There was hair getting in my face that i needed to move or i would find another thing to be mad about, so i ran my hand through my hair. "Well I don't know what you want me to say-" I don't even know what i want her to say. "I don't want you to say anything" she took a step forward as i took a step back. "Then why are you getting so heated?" I didn't really know. I don't know why i was getting so mad over this. I didn't know what to say or think. "Because-" I didn't even get the chance to finish before she interrupted me. "Because what"


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