Im alone now but its better for me

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(Don't play the song until it says to)

Getting out of bed you thought you would rather take a shower where you where going to take Louis

I have clothes there anyway

You grabbed your car keys from of your night stand and stood up. Walking towards your closet you put together a formal but rather comfortable outfit. You did wonder if you should just wear what you where already wearing, black and white Gucci sweatpants and a black AC/DC shirt. But you knew your mom would scold you if you did wear it

"You always need to look presentable, you're apart of the Jenner/kardashion family! Not to mention you're also a styles!"

God! You can feel you moms scowl if you walk out wearing that. No! She's gonna get mad and give you a whole ass lecture. And you don't really feel like disobeying your mom right now.

You walk next to the closet and open it.

Nah, fuck it

Turning back around you head in the direction of your door.

As you walk down the 3 sets of stairs—

God! Why the fuck did 2 year old me choose a room on the 3rd room!? Did she not expect me to grow up, then eventually get tired of walking up and downstairs!?

Finally reaching the bottom level you wondered why you never asked for an elevator to be installed. You where so close in passing the kitchen when you heard your mother's voice.

"Where are you going?"

She got up from her spot, sitting in the "admirable leather seats" as Louis would call it. You stoped walking, turned around and faced her

"Out—Where and with who?"

There she goes, doing that motherly thing every mother does. Wanting to meddle their nose into your business. But she's a basically her thing!

"I still don't know and with Louis"

You can see the smile that she's trying so hard to restrain from hearing Louis' name. She walks closer to you in a funny way. Having her upper half slightly bending backwards while her shoulders are moving up and down, totally teasing you about the fact that you're about to go out with him.

"I'm just going to show him around LA! It's no big deal"

She looks at you skeptically, she looks at if she's waiting for you to break up with vinnie and finally get with Louis.

"I should get going I told him I was gonna be there in like 20 minutes and that was 10 minutes ago"

She nods her head and signals her hand for you to leave.


I'm gonna be there later than I thought so maybe 10 more minutes give or take...

Yeah that's totally fine🧍‍♂️


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