i cannot fall in love with you

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➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➶➴3rd person POV ➴➵➶➴➵➶➴➶➴➵➶
Harry nodded his head listening to what Louis said about what happened that day. He tried making mental notes about what might've been going through his daughters head or what she might've been thinking throughout all of this.

But we can get to that later first let's see what commotion was going on upstairs.

"you don't have to go talk to him if you don't want to Y/N" of course she knew that.

"what if i say something stupid and just ruin things even more?" She uncrossed her arms from her chest and dramatically fell back into the comfort of her soft blankets that covered her beds mattress. "like what?" many things. Y/N couldn't think of anything to say after that all she knew was that if she messed up she could never come back from it. She would have to deal with whatever would happen as if it wouldn't affect her. She doesn't want to hurt Louis more than she already has. Although Louis thinks the same thing. "You should just go talk to him, you're gonna have to see or speak to him eventually" Sadie had a point, Millie and Louis are basically best friends now. Louis being the only one in the group chat of the cast that lives in London all year, Y/N has a house, well she doesn't but her dad does. They only go occasionally, like when they go visit Anne and Gemma, or when she has an acting role that has to have the filming location in London.

"i'm sure he thinks that he's gonna mess something up too" Kendall was trying her best, the last time she ever had a boyfriend was when her and harry started going out. It's been about 20 years since then. She's in her mid 40's but doesn't look a day over 27.

"he's stressed, maybe he thinks" before Sadie could even finish her sentence Y/N had to interrupt her. "enough with the 'he thinks' it's getting annoying and it's only showing something that he could be thinking" She had gotten up from her bed and walked over to the balcony outside of her room. Kendall and Sadie stood in their spots for a moment before following Y/N out into the balcony.

The sun was starting to set and the clouds were various colors of red, orange, and pink. It reminded Y/N about the day when Louis and her got into the argument. But she didn't want to think about that right now. She had set a blanket out here earlier, it was a multi-colored crochet blanket that was the same pattern as her dads iconic cardigan that he had worn once. It was a gift given to her by Harry Lambert on her 15th birthday.

She didn't want to think about him, but all she could think about was him. Everything around her had to remind her of him in a way. The balcony where they had their argument. The blanket she was using was the one that kept them warm the day the cast stayed at her house. The sunset, a photo Louis had taken of her when she wasn't looking. She was wearing his sweatshirt and was looking towards the sky her nose wrinkling a little bit because of her wide smile.

"you should just try talking to him" She jumped at the sudden noise forgetting that Sadie and her mom were both there trying to get her downstairs to talk to Louis. Lots of time had passed, the sun was almost fully down, she hadn't even noticed. She was so zoned out on thinking about Louis that time had passed so fast.

She looked behind her to see Sadie sitting on one of the beanbags that were put on the balcony and Kendall leaning against the door frame of the clear sliding door that lead to her room. She turned back to the sun fully setting and got up bringing the blanket with her and walking past both Sadie and Kendall.

"We did all we could Sadie" Kendall shrugged accepting the fact that her daughter was more stubborn then herself and shrugged her shoulders while looking down at Sadie. Sadie got up from the chair and nodded her head also knowing that the only way to get Y/N to do something she didn't want to do was to buy her a new pet and neither of the girls were willing to do that.

what they didn't notice was that while they were accepting the fact that Y/N was one stubborn bitch, Y/N was on her way down the stairs to go and see if Louis was still here.

Now this is where things get messy;)

"I don't blame her mate" Harry really tried hard to think about what his daughter could've been thinking during that time. But all he could think about was what he would be thinking during that moment if he was his daughter. And it wasn't anything good. "Yeah i wouldn't either i got mad for no bloody reason" Louis shook his head and leaned back into the soft texture of the couch, even while he was stressed about talking to Harry about this the couch made things a lot easier.

"I'm gonna be honest with you Louis" Looked looked at Harry as if begging his to continue with what he was saying. "I don't think you're worth it" Harry said it in a different voice almost like it wasn't his own.

Now that. That was something he was not expecting.

dumbfounded Louis looked down at his hands which started playing with the edges of his shirt. Louis eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He remembers how Y/N always talked to Louis about how good a guy Harry thought he was. That he definitely would've liked it better if Him and Y/N were dating instead of her and Vinnie.

Now as Y/N starts getting to the bottom of the stairs she can hear Louis which gives her hope that he's still not entirely mad at her.

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