Chapter 14 - "The real hero..."

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"Ma'am, you get in the police van. We will drop you at your place."

The police inspector requests Nandini who is still sitting on the floor holding Manik's head between her arms. As soon as the police entered the building and stopped the fight, Manik collapsed. Since then, Nandini has been sitting like a statue keeping Manik's head on her lap. All the scenarios and passing events seem like a movie climax to her. Within half an hour the police have arrested all the club members, owners and illegal fighters. They even seal the building and send the accused to jail. PI's voice can't break Nandini's trance. A female constable nears and squats in front of her. She nudges Nandini by her shoulder and again says,

"Ma'am...come with us. We will drop you. We are going to seal this place."

This time Nandini startles and looks at the constable. Then she looks at Manik's face.

"He...he is unconscious...please..please call a doctor."

Nandini's helplessness emanates. The PI assures,

"Don't worry Ma'am. We have called an ambulance. He is being sent to a nursing home. You just get up. Let us handle him."

The PI tries to touch Manik. Nandini immediately shields him with her two hands and chides,

"NO...I won't leave him alone. I will go to the nursing home with him. Let the ambulance come."

The female constable again tries to convince her when the siren of the ambulance is heard. Two ward boys come and keep Manik's motionless frame on the stretcher within a couple of minutes. Nandini gets in the ambulance and the police jeep follows the ambulance till both reach the nursing home. Immediately two doctors come and attend Manik. After the primary check-up, they order the ward boys to shift him into a cabin. Nandini and the PI escort the doctors,

Eventually, Nandini breaks her silence and restlessly asks,

"Doctor, how is he? The he still bleeding? Why is he still unconscious? Nothing is serious right? Actually, he...he got injured today in the set. There was a sword fight and he...! leave it!...They...I mean those fight club people...they beat him brutally. He...he was...why doesn't he gain his sense...Damn it?"

Nandini jerks her hands in frustration. She doesn't know what the hell she is ranting about. One of the doctors raises his hand to stop her.

"Relax, Ms Murthy. Nothing is serious. Yes, he lost some blood and that is the reason for his fatigue. But he is not completely unconscious. We will keep him under a brief observation and after that, we will discharge him. I must say, he is a tough guy. I admire him as a silver screen hero but today I realized that he is a hero in real life too. The way he helped the police to raid that illegal fight club is commendable. What do you say, officer?"

The doctor smilingly says and addresses the PI. Nandini veers her surprised look to the police inspector. The PI nods with an assured smile.

"Yes, he called us and informed us about this fight club. Not even that; he agreed to help us by involving himself in this matter as we needed solid proof to catch the owner red-handed. I must say, no one would have endangered his life like this. After all, he is a celebrity. But he did and set an example. By the way, Ma'am, how did you get there? I mean Manik Sir didn't mention that you will also be there to execute this plan. It was dangerous and anything could have happened to you."

PI's question hardens Nandini's jaws. She mumbles under her breath,

"That is also my question and your hero has to answer this."

She doesn't let the PI question further and changes the topic,

"Doctor, he will go with me. You, please take care of him and discharge him as soon as possible."

She turns at the PI and requests,

"Officer, can you drop us at my flat? I can't drive and please send his car to his apartment. By the way, I don't want the press to know anything about his involvement in this raid. We will help you in every possible way but please, don't disclose our names in this case. You can understand...we are public figures and the media always tries to get spicy gossip about us. So, Please..."

The PI understands her point and nods in positive. An hour passed and eventually, Manik gets discharged. The Police inspector drops Manik and Nandini at Nandini's flat and takes their leave after thanksgiving.


It is 4:30 am. Manik is sleeping in the guest room while Nandini is tossing and turning in her bed. After returning home, she didn't question him anything. Although the doctors have discharged him, they have instructed him complete rest for 2 days. Even Manik was feeling fatigued and sleepy. He didn't even try to know why he is in Nandini's place. Perhaps he knows or he is ready to confront her wrath once again. Nandini looks at the clock and gets up. It's time to give him the next medicine. She slips into the nightgown robe and comes to the guestroom. Only a night lamp is illuminating the room. The sound of his heavy breath is indicating his deep slumber. She tiptoes to the bed. Manik is sleeping like a sloth. The peace on his face brings an affectionate smile to Nandini's lips. Who can say he was fighting like a hulk just a few hours ago? He is a mystery, a puzzle to her. Even after so many years, she can't completely understand him. Perhaps that is the gap in this relationship. She knows she is wrong but he was not right either. But now, it's time to mend this broken bridge. For that only, they need to talk, to vent out their every grievance. They need to be together to heal each other. Nandini sits beside him and mumbles while staring at his sleepy face.

"I won't let my ego destroy our love, Manik. Not this time. Sometimes words can't do what the silence does. Our silence has damaged this relationship enough. I won't let this happen again. For this, if I have to face all the hurdles, I am ready for it. I know why you got me to that fight and I realized that you are my ultimate home. I can't lose you for anything. Till now, our hatred has collied but from now my love will fight with your hatred. Bring it on Manik Malhotra. Do whatever you want to hurt me. I will keep on fighting for us. Let's see who wins? Your hatred or my love?"

Nandini leans forward and closes her eyes. Manik's breath fans her trembling lips. She lessens the distance a little more and softly touches his lips. A heavenly feeling embraces her soul. Suddenly two strong arms encircle her and the kiss becomes long and deep. After a couple of minutes, Manik withdraws his mouth and mutters without unfurling his eyes,

"Come, baby, I was waiting for you. It's been a long time, Aliya."

Author's note: Who is this Aliya? What will be Nandini's reaction to hearing Aliya's name from Manik? Will it create more complications to their relationship? To know all these, keep reading. One more thing. I have received very less response and vote on the character sketch of Murder in Motel Mount. Guys, didn't you like it? I have so many thoughts to develop this story. Please share your views so that I can muster my mind to write further. Your support is very important.

Love you all❤


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