Chapter 30 ◇◇ The End is Only a New Beginning

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Chapter 30- The End if Only a New Beginning

"Maybe it's not about the happy ending.. Maybe it's about the story."- Unknown

Dev's POV

Reality was unimaginably real... unapologetically honest and sometimes brutally painful yet a part of me is starting to believe that's the reason its value is so unfathomable. Everyone wants to live forever and day because endings are so final and in world where society has manufactured the thought process that everyone deserves a second chance, a reset n life; finality scares us all.

Terrifies us into submission that holds this choke hold onto our lives that demands we be this picture of perfection that cannot be obtained. There can be no mistakes in our lives because a mistake is a failure and in this lifespan where failure isn't an option, the clock is ticking constantly reminding us all that there can never really be enough time...

We'll always want more... We'll always postpone living for achieving a goal that everyone else says is success but that goal hinders our happiness... Sometimes we ourselves are the ones hindering our own happiness...

We kept ourselves locked up and away from the world because it's just a cruel cold place that can cut through the purest person deeply slicing away every piece of innocence they have inside with a well-executed swing of a sword... But what exactly does that gain any of us

It doesn't at all because while we're hiding life is still very much ticking on and so is the days we're granted to live...

Day by day life is getting shorter.

Death is getting nearer, closing in on us all.

Backing our shoulders into a dark secluded corner full of shadows that haunt us not because of our demons that hinder our lives but of the possibilities we could have had if we only pushed beneath the blanket of dark clouds and reach for the light that shows us how to live.

The what if's are what plague us in the face of death, the fears no longer hold any relevance so why would we allow those fears to dictate our lives in the now..

That's the question I find myself asking over and over.

I've spent so much of my life worrying over the past and the things I can't change that I never really thought about why was I allowing the people who maliciously tried to tear me to pieces physically emotionally and physiologically  control so much?

The demons they afflicted ate away at me slowly sneaking up on me never at once but always slowly before I realized I was consumed and by that time in my mind the fight was over for me but honestly now I'm asking myself did I ever really fight??

Or did I just accept that karma was a b*tch and for some reason she hated the hell out of me?? She threw salt into the cuts that already were repeatedly sliced open and instead of riding myself of the small grains of agony I tried to close the wounds without trying my hardest to clean up the damage.

Seems like that approach almost made me lose out on the best things I could ever have... a family

And now I open my eyes daily and realize there are no genuine do overs, reset, pause or fast forwards buttons but yet at the same time things could change in a blink of an eye.

The truth was no one ever has complete control over who or what happens or has happened in their life, no matter how much we tell each other that to comfort ourselves at night.

Things just happened good or bad with no explanation or reasoning's in place. Reality was just what it decided to be.

Maybe life isn't this big overly drawn out list of what's gonna happen to who or what's not. Maybe fate didn't just hand out cards that foreseen the future, maybe fate planned the story of each person as they grew and went along.

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