Chapter 6 ◇◇ Sweet Dreams, Devastating Memories

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Chapter 6- Sweet Dreams, Devastating Memories

"They say abandonment is a wound that never heals. I say it never forgets, a continuous agony that gnaws at your soul as a reminder that you were never good enough for anyone to stay."

Dev's POV

"Mommy why do we have to move again?"  I asked notably admiring my mother as she moved around in our tiny apartment. Even in a basic tee and jeans she was a beauty. A short petite woman with curves in the right places, her skin always glowing a sun kissed shade of honey, a mess of jet black curls tied up tightly in a bun on top of her head though a few stray pieces always found a way to frame her face.

"Baby we just do, think of it as a new adventure." She explained never stopping moving grabbing and packing up the small amount of things we had.

"I don't want a new adventure, I like it here." I was tired of moving from place to place, we've jumped from so many cities in my life. Tired of waking up in one place, packing up in such a rush in a couple of hours and leaving everything behind to move on to the next city.

"You promised we wouldn't move again." I pleaded on the verge of tears

"I know baby " she stopped her hurried assault and kneeled down to me sitting on the couch.

"Don't be mad, I know I promised but something came up, okay?" she brushed my hair down away from my face, soothing me looking at me with her kind dark brown eyes.

"okay" I nodded my head.

She smiled "it's me and you, angel." She kissed my forehead.

"After you get back from school, we're off okay so say bye to any of your friends." She told me.

"Fine" I slung my backpack on my back, heading to the door to make my way to the bus stop outside.


"We didn't get our quote of the day in" she called after me, I stopped my movement and turned around to face her as she pulled a sticky note off of a wall full of quotes and daily saying in our kitchen.

"The simplest thing in this world is our life, and the most complicated thing is the way we live it" she read out loud to me.

"Alright, angel I love you" she hugged me

"I love you too, mom" I wrapped my arms around her then walking out of the front door glancing back her once before I fully walked away not realizing that would be the last time I see my mother.

I woke up tears streaming down face, instantly pulling my knees to my chest. Balling up in the fetal position, rubbing my palm across my forearm like feen jonesing for their fix.

It's been a while since I dreamt of her, since I felt completely helpless. The loneliness of being abandoned by the only person you thought loved you taking its toll on my sanity. Hitting me like a sack of bricks being thrown heavily on top of my chest.

I used to hope she would come back for me, that it was only temporary but I was wrong. It's been seven years and she has never looked back.

"It's me and you, Angel."the lie that was always told.

It was always me and my shadow isolated in this cruel world, nobody ever cared.

My own mother left me creating this pang of ache deep in my heart, that won't ever go away. She was supposed to fight for me stay by my side but I guess I was too much dead weight.

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