Chapter 13 ◇◇ Heat of The Moment

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Chapter 13-  Heat of the Moment

Dev's POV

For the first time in a long time, I was in my own condo which used to be my sanctuary. I opened the door about to leave but instead I closed the door behind me and stopping to take the time to really take this place in.

This is home or it was supposed to be but I never really realized how empty and lonely this place really was. Sure I had the place completely furnished but there was a cold feeling to it that I never noticed until now.

There was never anybody here but me and my lonesome alone with the cold nights I needed someone to hold me and tell me I wasn't alone because they cared.

Crazy thing was I didn't even know I needed someone but I obviously did, I'm glad I didn't go searching for something or someone to fill the void because hypnotizing eyes, sweet words, and aggressive nature Hayden Sanchez could be the only one who made my heart skip a beat and the rest of the world seem to exist.

He got me completely and I understood him and what's understood doesn't have to explained.

I think it was safe to say, I was falling.

Funny thing about falling is though from the top the fall is terrifying, you almost always punk out because the feeling of not having control drives you mad. The fall though the actual act of letting go they say it's liberating, makes you feel free.

That's the best way I can describe what Chance does to me. He makes me feel safe, liberated, and excited at the same time.

It's like a furry of emotions hitting me faster than speeding bullets and I can't stop it even if I wanted to.

I'm falling. Nothing else matters, not time, not worries, pain, money, nothing.

I just hope I didn't jump off the ledge too fast.

Snapping myself out of my thoughts and focusing on the real and only reason I came back here. I grabbed the handle of my huge LV Zephyr 55 suitcase, pushed my aviator shades up against the bridge of my nose then turned around  with my back to the one place that was really my own.

Making sure I locked the door, I walked away making my way towards the elevator nodding casually but not really playing much attention to the people already inside.

Once I was off the elevator, I made my way towards the big double glass doors and out of them walking until I turned the corner to the parking garage only to find my Audi blocked in by some random black SUV with one big buff dude standing dressed in an all-black suit.

"Excuse me but can you..." he rudely cut me off by placing his hand out and index finger up in a waiting fashion which only pleased to piss me off because he wasn't even on the phone, he was just standing there looking ahead of him.

"Look nigga Imma ask you one time to.." he had the nerve to try and attempt to cut me off again but it took all of two seconds for his lips to part and his eyes to be staring down the barrel of my revolver.

"I tried to be nice rude ass but you obviously didn't learn any manners so now that I have your attention, care to move this big ass truck from blocking me in?" I said smiling teasingly watching him flinch and eyes get big clearly shaken from only the sight of a gun raising his hands in a surrendering motion.

Why be rude if you handle the sight of merely a gun... it gets real out here so it's always best to know exactly who you messing with or better yet try not being an asshole.

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