Chapter 24 ◇◇ My Love, My Duty: Part 2

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The beginning of this chapter is intense ya'll this flashback is a lot to take in and graphic so be prepared

Chapter 24-My Love, My Duty: Part 2

Three Years AGO

I need myself to believe that everything they'll be telling me is true... and all that I feel is only a figment of my imagination. Maybe I'm wrong and Lord knows I wanna be wrong.

But it's just this feeling that I can't seem to shake it's like weariness of black clouds hanging over our heads but once I look up and over my shoulder the sun is still shining brightly as bright as it's ever been for us yet that doesn't explain why once my focus is right back in front of me why does my shadow seems to feel like ten tons of heaviness has been placed right back upon me.

We're a family, more of a family than anyone who was ever blood related to either of us but none of that matters when I glance out into the view before me and only see blank faces of nothing but fakeness.

Fake smiles, fake hugs, fake brotherhood, fake ass basic b*tches sitting in what's supposed to be my living room but this whole house. The house we all together put in work to obtain doesn't really feel like home.

Everything feels forced, empty, cold exactly the opposite of what our little family had become and in all honestly it's taking everything in me not to just walk away from it all but I know and have been taught better than to leave my brothers out in the open like that.

"Penny for thoughts baby girl" without turning around off the rip I knew exactly who the owner of said voice belonged to. Even as that little girl who was so naïve and blind to world she was thrown into that, his voice always seemed to make my heart race intensely and nervous shivers ran down my spine and even worse my hands shake.

"Dom" I stated hearing his footsteps get closer "You're slipping big boy, I heard you coming a mile away. You need lil sis to show you a thing or two??" I smirked as well as raising my eyebrow before turning around to face him.

He stood propped up against the wall watching me intently eyes low and right off the bat I'd knew he'd been smoking but that feature didn't take away from the fact that he was still handsome but more in a rugged way than any other guy I'd seen before.

His dark cocoa brown chocolate skin tone was beautifully evened out, the plump lips he has a habit of licking way too often, the strong jawline most niggas who kill for, tall built evened out perfectly along with his height of standing around 6'1, and last but not least his eyes.. they were only brown, not light not too dark but medium nothing really special about the color but the danger and mysteriousness showcased in them always called out to me in ways I couldn't explain... something like a moth to a flame.

We were family, all of us but that didn't stop me from realizing I had the pleasure of having two gorgeous boys on my arm at any given time especially when all the b*tches hated me for it.

He shook his head before chuckling lowly, his voice so deep you could almost always feel the rumbling of his laughter in your belly. "Nah, you good, sweetheart. You getting a lil bold and shit. Remember who taught you everything you know."

He started walking closer to me " The student can never outbest the teacher baby girl, you'll do well to remember that."

Rolling my eyes, I leaned backwards on the railing behind me overlooking the party that I hated was even going on and the burning hatred for the fact these people we allowed here in the first place.

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