Chapter 10 ◇◇ Still Beating Hearts: Part 2

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Chapter 10- Still Beating Hearts: Part 2

"Sharing your secrets, allowing someone to see you for you: it hurts... but through the pain the healing begins. So free yourself, pour out your soul because your journey to happiness begins here."

Dev's POV

I've never told anyone about this place... thinking about it alone fucks with my mind something heavy.

But I feel like I need this not for him but for me.

Is this right? Hell if I know I just wanna be free from the torment of my memories holding me down.

A piece of my heart died here though around him it's alive and beating out of my chest.


Chance's POV

We drove in silence, something in air screams she really doesn't want to go whatever she's taking me but she's forcing herself too.

What's a man to do when his woman is pushing herself to open up but you can tell it's hurting to the core of her spirit to do so? Do you tell her let it go there will be another time when this isn't as agonizing and frightening or allow her to rip the Band-Aid off further damaging the wounds that obviously never healed?

Do you become selfish and allow this because you wanna be the person that makes the sun shine a little brighter for her because she sure as hell glows innocence into your dark mentality??

I think too fucking much when it comes to her, I'll probably drive myself further into insanity questioning the effect she has on me and how I should react. The thing is that effect hypnotizes a nigga something tough; placing me on the edge though I'm sure I fell for her perfect ass the moment we met.

"Chance?" her quiet voice broke through the build upped silence we've shared.

"Angel?" I turned my face to look into those enchanting ass eyes that capture everything good I have left to give.

"We're here" the words flowing from her mouth were nothing above a whisper.

"Where is here love?" her palm brushed up against the tattoos on her wrist closing her eyes taking a slow deep breath.

"Here used to be home"


From the time her feet touched ground, baby girl was tucked at my side almost like she was holding on for dear life afraid of facing this alone.

"You don't have to force yourself to do this angel; if you wanna leave we can..."

"No.... I-I need this and you're giving me the strength right now" her eyes closed a moment blinking back tears fisting my shirt in her hands pulling me impossibly closer.

I nodded taking in the scene before us trash everywhere, weeds growing uncontrollably through cracks in the sidewalk, broken windows, trash littered everywhere, the charred black grimy residue from a blazing fire covering the exterior of the place.

Taking small cautious steps along our way we walked up a flight of concrete steps to the second floor of what used to be a building fit for living.

"This is it" she looked apprehensive pushing a lopsided door barely hanging on its hinges to enter the small apartment that is the place her deep emotional scars began to crack the core of a loving heart.

Pulling her closer we walked in while she looked around at the few pieces of things scattered across the room.

"I was happy here once. Everything was amazing I thought I was finally going to have a normal life like other kids but I got too comfortable, too much of a dead weight." I have a feeling she was talking more to herself than me.

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