Chapter 21◇◇ Look Where We Are

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Chapter 21- Look Where Were We Are

F.A.M.I.L.Y, Family. The word rolls off your tongue so effortlessly, often used in our world so carelessly without caution or the hesitance to stop to care to find it's true meaning.

F.A.M.I.L.Y, Family. It's supposed to be blood is thicker than water but it's shame that in this evil cruel world family the ones you love and care for are the ones holding the dagger that's meant to pierce and stab through your heart.

F.A.M.I.L.Y, Family. By all means be careful of this term, be mindful of those who use it because your enemies are expected you always see them coming but FAMILY has the power to blindside you so wickedly you'll be too late to save yourself.

Chance's POV

Every once in a while I take a second to breathe, exhale, a chance to imagine my life through a telescope instead of the narrowed eyed view of squint.

I think about how I ended up the man I am, where I came from and better yet where I have.. nah scratch that we have the potential to go and be.

On god damn near impossible to think about my future or even my present without her beautiful face appearing in head.

We both play this game with our lives mine on the verge of being lost every second and minute of the day and hers by association to me. She trusts me though enough to never question me, what I do, or how I get my money and enough to keep her safe.

Safe from the world, safe from her problems, safe from her past, and most of all safe from herself.

I'll been around long enough to know baby girl is always her worst critic, her own worst enemy. She blames herself for things she'd never had control of and feelings that she shouldn't have had to deal with first place and me I'm just the nigga blessed with task of allowing her to see past all of the darkness people have wrongly placed upon her.

What I get in return is sunshine, the brightest natural radiance known to man. The pure loving spirit she doesn't even realize she has and an innocence that'll never be taken from her though many have tried.

She's amazing and I always plan to show her how special she truly is.

Now if I have to body a couple niggas, hurt a few feelings along the way I'll charge to the game 'cause without Bonnie there's no Clyde and nobody's ending our story on my watch.


At The Club (Private Room) From the Previous Chapter

I looked around the private room I actually felt more than caged in right now. I felt as though the walls were closing in, the temperature was increasing too rapidly and the world was beginning to move a little too slow. The warning signs of the self destructive thoughts I was desperately trying to suppress into my psyche.

I sat alone inside the room not even daring myself to look out of the double sided window directly behind me giving me a view of the club and mostly importantly her and her bullshit ass friend I wanted to murk but couldn't.

I never had problems with letting niggas know I was not to be f*cked with but this different.. I was in a different position I'd never been in before. I had her to think about and all of my actions affected her.

On god I was two seconds blowing the f*ck up but then I turned and looked at her and saw all the worry and nervousness in those gorgeous ass eyes, the deep easily visible frown eteched on her  soft lips, and mostly importantly the subtle but obvious to me the movements of her thumbs slightly rubbing against her tattoos on her wrist, searching for the strength she needed to be in control.

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