Part 74: Two Heroes EP, 9

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Hey readers, sorry about the lack of updating. I've stumbled into a case of writer's block for an other story that I tried focusing on, only for it to cause me to neglect this one. Either way, hope you enjoy!

<All Might's POV>

"Tubby. You a researcher here?" The metal masked villain questioned, after kicking down the 26th American Hero: Mecha Arms to the ground. 'I thought that hero was arrested earlier today.'

"Y-yes, I-I am." He responded, seemingly shaking in fear.

"Take this one up." The villain ordered, as an other villain with pink hair armed with a assault rifle walks over.

"Stop it!" David exclaimed over Sam's pleads, while walking towards the Main villain. "That man is my assistant! What are you planning on doing to him!?"

"Hmm? Ah, the famous David Shield. Take him too." He directed, turning back his attention towards the room full of heroes.

"What if I refuse?" David questioned in defiance, causing the villain to turn and face him. 'No, Dave. Don't try and play the hero.'

"Then somewhere on this Island, a pretty little blond girl scream." Metal Mask countered, only for me to watch them be taken away. 'Dammit! Even if I'm able to subdue these villains and get the system online, hundreds upon thousands of civilians will be in the crossfire! I must do something! I am the Symbol of peace!- What, young Yaoyorozu?' I looked up to notice the teen above, signalling me to speak.

"I hope you can hear me. Some villains have taken over the tower. They have over the security system, and everyone on this island is now held as a hostage. That includes the heroes at this party. It's dangerous, get away from here as soon as you can." I clearly muttered seemingly to myself, watching her look over to her side and moved away from sight.

<Momo's POV>

"We've received All Might's instructions loud and clear. He's our teacher, I suggest we listen to his instructions and escape this place." Iida announced to the group that is processing this information. "Otherwise we will be going against his will."

"I have to agree with sonic over here." Shinso begun, causing everyone to look at him. "We are students, not heroes."

"Hey, why don't we get out of here and tell the heroes outside?" Kaminari questioned aloud.

"That would be difficult. The security system here is on the same level as the one on Tartarus prison." Melissa informs, deflating any hope for a positive outcome.

"Then all we can do is sit and wait till it's over. Bummer." Mina stated, not noticing Jiro standing up properly.

"Are you really ok with that?" She question, while looking down on her.

"What choice do we have?" Denki, defended the acid quirk user.

Turning to face the electric quirk user, Kyoka continued. "Don't you think we should at least we try and stop them?"

"Hate to break your bubble, but it's illegal to fight these villains without a licence." Shinso blandly countered. "Also, don't forget about the fact that they have even All Might trapped. What can we do if the pro's can't do anything?"

"Aren't we trying to be pro's ourselves?" Nakano announces to the group, looking down at her left hand.

"Yes. But are not allowed to work as heroes without licence, remember the talk with the Chief of police?" Iida sternly questioned, remembering the Hosu incident.

"Does that mean it's right for us to do nothing at all?" Todoroki challenged, clenching her fist in the process.

'What should we do? What would All Might do in our situation? What would Izuku-?' My thoughts ring loud from the silence of the group, before I look up with determination. "I want to help. I want to save them."

"Really, Yaoyorozu? I know we fought villains ourselves during the USJ, but they were common thugs and these are a organised team." Uraraka worried, trying to calm herself down.

"We don't need to fight them." I exclaimed, everyone turning their attention towards me. "All we need to do is stealth our way to the security room, and restore the system. Then all the pro heroes at the party will jump into action!"

"It's easier said than done." Shinso comments, taking a deep breath in before continuing. "But, it's absolutely better than nothing. I'm in."

"I know where the security system is. It's on the top floor of the tower, and if the villains took control over the system then authentication locks and passwords probably been disabled." Melissa energetically informs, spreading hope into the group.

"Sounds like a plan to me!" Mina jumps in excitement.

"Sure, but how do we keep on the low for that long?" Jiro questions, turning to face Melissa.

"The fact that the villains haven't located us, means that they don't have full control over the system yet. Simply not setting off any of the sensors and we should be good." Melissa answers, as everyone begins to smile at the prospect.

"We need to be fast as possible to ensure that they don't their bearings with the system." Shinso starts, setting everyone joining in our self assigned mission. "Melissa, I suggest that you stay here for safety."

"No, I'm coming too. I suppose any of you know how to change the settings on the security system, or know there way around the facility?" She challenges, making everyone look at each other if anyone else knows. "Plus. I get to test out field test combat mode." Placing her purse on her abdomen, she presses down on the clip before her entire formal wear changes it's form. "Let's go!" 

 "Let's go!" 

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