Part 52: Whack Em

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Hey readers, hope you enjoy!

<Izuku's POV>

"What will I be doing Aizawa Sensei?" I questioned my home room teacher, as we stop at Gamma field.

"We're going to be training your reaction time and on field observation capabilities." Aizawa stated while tapping something on a tablet, causing 50 robots to roll over. Looking over at the design, all of them specialises in high mobility with a sniper rifle for it's only weapon. "Do you know the game Whack 'em All?"

"Yes, also the slang 'Whack Em'. The game is where you hit a object that raises randomly from holes before they return back." I answered, causing Aizawa to press buttons on the tablet and send the robots into the maze known as Gamma Field.

"That's the main concept of this training. You are not permitted to destroy the robots, but by tapping them will shut them down." Aizawa informs me, as one of the robots shot at me and electrocuting me in the process. "However, if you fail to notice the robot then it'll shoot you with a shocking bullet." A massive grin forms on Aizawa's face, as I just stare at the sadistic teacher. "Your starting point is the flat point at the centre of Gamma Field, and put on this ear piece and wait for the starting signal."

"Hai." I answered, placing the ear piece in and fly over to the flat surface. "Does this ear piece have a tracker that the Robot's can use?"

"Yep, and a Microphone so that we can hear your screams." Aizawa states, causing me to sigh. "Also this will be recorded for quality control."

"What do you mean by 'we'? Is their someone with you?" I question.

"Yes! I Am Here!" All Might proclaimed, with a audible groan from Aizawa.

"Also all of 3A watching, seeing how they will be doing this same training today." Midnight stated, causing me to slightly smirk.

"Well I should at least give them a score to challenge then. Ready whenever you are Aizawa sensei." I proclaim, taking a deep breath in while honing in all my senses.

"Begin." Aizawa announces, as the sounds of all the robots pulsate alive. Launching away from the starting point, with five sniper shots clash each other at my original point. Countering I rocket white tendrils with cracking greenish pink energy at the robots, deactivating them as I turn to the next 45. A blur of dodging, countering and the multiple misses flood Gamma Field. Eliminating the 48th robot, I realise that I'm in a position where dodging is impossible. Releasing my two feathers to block and catch both the bullets, only for one of them stopping the attack with the last bullet just sliding past. In a spazzing ball as I collapse onto the ground, I hear Midnight giggling to my suffering from Aizawa's microphone.

"Hahaha. Very funny, Midnight. Do you want to try?" I blandly spoke, silencing the fucked legged heroine.

"Midoriya, head back to the starting point. This will be the last time you'll be doing this today, due to the 3rd years requiring to do the course." Aizawa explained while I head over to the beginning point.

"You got this Izuku!" Nejire proclaimed, with some of her classmates backing her up. "You done amazing in the last one! You can win it this time!" Landing at the point waiting for Aizawa's, while I begin thinking to myself. 'These robots seem far more advance than those used for the Entrance and sports festival, and why not destroy them like the others? They use the same parts as them- WAIT!'

"Begin." Aizawa commanded, as I duck to the ground. The same five robots shoot the five predictable movements I would do, all while a new one targets and shoots the origin point I was. Indicating their positions I launch my tendrils faster than before, eliminating the 6 robots.

"These are custom made by Principle Nedzu to the code itself, aren't they!?" I announced, hearing the entire audience freak out. Launching into the air as ten shots clash from my ducked position, as I eliminate those ten at once.

"Correct." Aizawa answered. "These are recently designed, meaning you are the one who's building up their difficult for high mobility students." Instantly changing my tactic to account for the moving targets, as the blur of attacks reoccur with the elimination of all the robots besides one. As the last robot rolls into view, I launch my attack at it causing it to completely shock me. Spazzing on the ground, confusing me in the process as the real last robot rolls out and shoots me on the ground. "Oh, did I forget to mention. Their will be civilian robots that will electrocute if you hit them."

"N-n-nn-no-o-o!" I hardly responded, as I can hear Principle Nedzu cackling in his office.

<Momo's POV>

"Breaks over! Time to train!" Gran Torino proclaimed, as we get up and walk to the clear portion of the room. "Create something you consider easy." Complying I create my Russian doll with my hero-suit design out of my hand. "Now focus on that feeling while flowing OFA through it." Following his instruction, my body begins to shake and ripple as cracks of white lightning spark off me. With a small flash of light, a completely blank Russian Doll forms out of the energy released. Collapsing onto the ground out of breath and clutching my aching head. "Can't believe that worked the first time. Basing off the how your body reacted, to improve this new ability will require better energy control and mental fortitude. More importantly, you can change your suit into something better than a swimsuit." I stare at the two Russian dolls I created. 'Is this what it feels like having a hang over?'

Thanks for reading and peace!

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