It's.... Over...?

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(Hey there have some Danganronpa angst)

Shuichi's POV-

We finally did it. We ended Damganronpa... but only three of us survived. If what Tsumu- Junko said was true and this all is really fiction. I don't care, I just want the others to be alive.

Maki's POV-

I normally don't care about much but seeing them all die... and Kaito.. I-I want them to be alive again.

Only three of us made it out in the end. We had planned to end this killing game. But not like this.

Himiko's POV-

K-Keebo, Kaito, Angie, Taeko, Kiyo, Kirumi, Gonta, Miu, Kaede, Rantaro, Ryo, Kokichi and Tsumugi even! Their all dead! Why?! Why?! Why? Why... why did they have to die.

Third POV-

The three survivors took one final look at the rubble of the school before walking into the light.... When it all went black.


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