An Explanation pt 2

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"I can answer your question, Himiko"

Present time-

To say everyone was shocked would be an understatement. There I'm the doorway stood Korekiyo, who before now had refused to leave his room, let alone talk to them.

The silence that had taken the place of conversation, was soon broken by Mikan. "Y-you came o-out of your r-room?" Kiyo nodded and gave the reply of, "had to come out at some point, plus we're basically gonna be forced to socialize as a group anyway." The others knew what he had said was true that was at least a part of the reason they were being put into group therapy.

"Back to your earlier question, Himiko, I, obviously am here now. Kokichi is in his room having break downs every night because of nightmares of our pregame selves. Maki, although she'd likely deny it is scared of getting close and losing someone she cares about again so she barely comes out. Ryoma is still currently asleep, and our Robotic friend is off the map cause Tsumugi won't tell anyone anything about it here he is. Did I leave anything out, oh great hope fighters?" Korekiyo said directing the last part at the FF members.

Although he answered the question, that was definitely not the answer any of them were expecting. "I- how- how do you even know that?" It was the question playing on everyone's mind Makoto just said it first. "I walk around at night, and have eavesdrops on some of your conversations, as well as listening to some of y'all at night. And don't go blaming me for being suspicious of people who put us in a KILLING GAME, but Ben if it was a simulation, and not be at least slightly worried about the people wi was around for the last few months. Even if we were all on edge half the time." He had a point, they had all just woke up from a killing game, were told it was a simulation and that their personality's and memories were fabricated. Yep, no reason for suspicious at all.

"I- *sigh* I can't even argue with you because your right." Makoto spoke once more. Kaito then raised his hand slightly, "ok so I know we hav to do the group therapy, but when does it start?" He questioned coughing every now and then.

Makoto slightly brightened after that, "oh right! Um, the first group session will be later today. We will be there along with possibly a few other previous contestants. We will be meeting in the lounge room after lunch later around 1:00." Everyone acknowledged this and soon went back to either what they were doing, went to check the dorm assignments, or talking to Kiyo, the ones talking to Kiyo being Rantaro, Kirumi, Shuichi, and Angie, who was followed by Tenko and Himiko. While the FF members left the room.

Kirumi had wanted to ask Kiyo how he was doing along with Shuichi. (And most of the others but not now.) Rantaro was worried about him and wanted to ask about something he remembered from before the game, he knew Kiyo had also remembered some thing so he wanted to talk. Angie because she wanted his help with an art project she was working on, and Tenko and Himiko followed her. Although, Tenko was still wary of males and wanted to make sure Angie was ok, and he wouldn't try anything, which of course he wouldn't. And Himiko was just sticking closer to her friends cause she sometimes thought that if she didn't she'd wake up and they'd still be dead.

After a bit when the others left Rantaro thought it'd be a good time to talk so he lead them a little bit away from the others to talk about the current memories he has about before the killing game. After all, who wouldn't want to talk about the fact that what they remembered, showed evidence to the fact that they were romantically involved with someone. And, who better to talk to about the fact than the person who was involved in said memory?

(Here you are my lovely readers, I'm glad you have enjoyed reading this book so far. I'll tell y'all this, the plot is thickening. ;)

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